SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY New Focus Growing Nazi threat Turn to West The “Popular Front” Maxim Litvinov, Foreign Commissar, “Bolshevism unmasked” Main goal = restrain Nazis but avoid war
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY Appeasement Britain & France make concessions to Hitler Munich Agreement Soviet isolation The Anschluss: Nazi troops enter Austria, March 1938 “What, no seat for me?” Germans take Sudetenland, 1938
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY Problems in the Far East Japanese aggression in China (Manchukuo) Fighting on Mongolian border Threat of 2-front war
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY THE NAZI-SOVIET PACT Litvinov replaced by Molotov Germans & Soviets sign Non- Aggression Pact, August 1939 German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop & Molotov sign pact Also contains Secret Protocol including territorial divisions Vyacheslav Molotov
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY THE NAZI-SOVIET PACT Shocked much of world Caused loss of support for Soviets
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY THE NAZI-SOVIET PACT Economic collaboration Germans did not follow through with obligations Soviet supplies getting ready for shipment to Germany
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY THE NAZI-SOVIET PACT Soviet benefits territory in Poland (western Belorussia & Ukraine Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
THE ROAD TO WAR SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY THE WINTER WAR, Finns resist Soviet demands inflict heavy damage & casualties on Soviets convinced Germans of Soviet military weakness