Punishment for Crime
Concept of Punishment equal treatment punishment fits the crime society shares some responsibility for crime: does society have some responsibility? IN CONTRAST with individualistic nature of humankind
Purpose of Punishment Retribution: pay back Deterrence: inflict pain upon people—prisons Reform: make people do it in a different way—cleaning, re-painting, etc. Crook calls Retribution and Deterrence “UTILITARIAN”
Rights of Victims correct damage done compensation for suffering should state make restitution for crime?
Capital Punishment Old Testament allows it for various offenses New Testament has only one reference, the woman caught in adultery Should criminal be made to suffer? That is, torture the murderer to death to punish him/her for the crime?
(cont’d) Does it deter? Is the murder rate lower? When state executes more people, there are more crimes—murder rate increases Cost factor: it is more expensive to execute somebody than to leave them in prison for life It encourages murder