Self Defense Tampa Preparedness Group
Purpose Disaster situations have occasionally resulted in scenarios that resulted in physical assaults. Disaster situations have occasionally resulted in scenarios that resulted in physical assaults. Being better able to defend oneself may result in a person having more options in the event of a disaster. Being better able to defend oneself may result in a person having more options in the event of a disaster. Even if you are not capable of extreme self- defense, you can pass the knowledge on to those who are. Even if you are not capable of extreme self- defense, you can pass the knowledge on to those who are.
Rule #1 – Try to Avoid Physical Conflict *You* may be the person who loses in the conflict. *You* may be the person who loses in the conflict. Often this is the easiest course of action. Often this is the easiest course of action. An alarm (home/car) can be your best way to avoid a confrontation. An alarm (home/car) can be your best way to avoid a confrontation. Avoiding conflict may allow you to better conserve your own resources. Avoiding conflict may allow you to better conserve your own resources. You may draw excessive, unwanted attention to yourself. You may draw excessive, unwanted attention to yourself. “Look before your Leap” – don’t unthinkingly inject yourself into potentially dangerous situations. “Look before your Leap” – don’t unthinkingly inject yourself into potentially dangerous situations. Be ready with verbal defenses. (???) Be ready with verbal defenses. (???)
Rule #2 – Prepare for Conflict Always be aware of potential items in the environment that may be used for defense. Always be aware of potential items in the environment that may be used for defense. Always be aware of features of your surroundings from a self-defense perspective. Always be aware of features of your surroundings from a self-defense perspective. The same physical exercises that prepare you to defend yourself will help you with the many other challenges of dealing with a disaster. The same physical exercises that prepare you to defend yourself will help you with the many other challenges of dealing with a disaster.
Rule #3 – Stay on your Feet!
It Won’t be Like the Movies Don’t expect “fair play” Don’t expect “fair play” Don’t plan on playing fair yourself Don’t plan on playing fair yourself ??? ???
In a disaster situation always have something in your possession that can be used as a weapon.
Consider PAIN (that you inflict) to be a tool that you are applying to correct behavior.
Live the conflict in your mind many times over before it ever happens!
Start any defensive action by remembering that which you are defending.
Defense Indoors Weapons should be shorter. Weapons should be shorter. Try to always leave yourself an exit. Try to always leave yourself an exit. ??? ???
Defense Outdoors ??? ???
Attack / Pressure Points On 99% of people, the indentation behind the ear lobe. On 99% of people, the indentation behind the ear lobe. In front of the ear. In front of the ear. Any place on the throat, especially pressing just above the center of the collar bone. Any place on the throat, especially pressing just above the center of the collar bone. Eyes Eyes Boxing the ears Boxing the ears Striking the groin Striking the groin
References re=channel re=channel re=channel re=channel ure=related ure=related ure=related ure=related