Midterm Exam Review
Functions of Government 1. What are the functions or purposes of Government?
2. What function of Government does this picture illustrate?
3. What function of Government does this picture illustrate?
4. What function of Government does this picture illustrate?
5. What Function of Government does this picture illustrate?
6. What function of Government does this picture illustrate?
7. What function of Government does this picture illustrate?
8.What function of Government does the picture illustrate?
9. Who said that government was necessary... And without it life would be “nasty, brutish and short.”
10.Who said that men are “free, equal and independent” And the consent of government lies with the people?
Functions of Government Terms
11. What is a political community that occupies a definite territory?
12. What is a group of people who are united by common bonds?
13. What is absolute authority that a state has within its boundaries?
14. What is the god given right to rule?
15.What is it called when people surrender their rights in exchange for protection?
16. What is it called when all key power is held by the national government?
17. What is it called when power is divided among the levels of government?
18. What is a plan for government?
19. What is a nation that has large industry and advanced technology?
20. What is a nation beginning to have large industry and advanced technology?
Forms of Governments
AUTOCRACY Ideas of a single leader or group of leaders is glorified TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP
AUTOCRACY King, Queen or Emperor has supreme power Divine Right MONARCHY
Complete Unlimited power to rule ABSOLUTE
OLIGARCHY Government by a few people who derive their power from wealth, social position or military power
DEMOCRACY-RULE BY THE PEOPLE Representative- people elect representatives to make decisions Republic—voters hold sovereign power
CHARACTERISTICS OF DEMOCRACY Individual liberty-people should have an equal opportunity to develop their talents and abilities
Characteristics of DEMOCRACY MAJORITY RULE WITH MINORITY RIGHTS- decisions made by the majority of voters in free elections are accepted
Characteristics of DEMOCRACY COMPETING POLITICAL PARTIES- political parties give voters a choice
Where is DEMCRACY MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED? Free enterprise-the opportunity to control one’s economic destiny Countries with a large middle class Stable economies Educated public Common values
The French and Indian War The British charged the Americans high taxes after fighting the French and Indian War in the American Colonies
Stamp Act Tax passed 1765 The Stamp Act Tax was one of the taxed passed to help pay the high cost of the French and Indian war
Boston Massacre 1770 As a result of the Numerous Taxes on the colonist, the began to protest and rebel
Boston Tea Party 1773 The tea tax was the final straw for the colonist. In protest, they tossed tea into the Boston Harbor
First Meeting of the 2 nd Continental Congress-1775 The Colonist met to discuss the problems and possible solutions with the British
Declaration of Independence signed The 1 st Continental Congress elected Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration of Independence after the issues with British could not be resolved.
Battle of Yorktown-1781 The Battle of Yorktown ended the American Revolution
Articles of Confederation accepted by states-1781 The Articles of Confederation was America’s FIRST Constitution
Shay’s Rebellion-1786 The Articles of Confederation had many flaws. Shay’s Rebellion was caused because of the lack of money.
Delegates Finish Writing the Constitution-1787 The delegates met again to revise the Articles of Confederation, but a new government was necessary. The delegates wrote a new Constitution.
New Hampshire ratifies Constitution With the ratification from New Hampshire (9 th ), the Constitution became the official government of the American states.
George Washington sworn in as 1 st US president-1789 George Washington was the obvious choice for the 1 st US president because the was the military general who won us the American Revolution.
US Congress meets for the first time After the president had been sworn in the 1 st US Congress was ready to meet.
Bill of Rights added to the Constitution-1791 The Anti-federalist had been against the US Constitution because the national government was too strong, and it did not give the people rights. The Federalist wrote several essays that became known as The Federalist Papers trying to get support for the Constitution. The Federalist finally compromised and added the Bill of Rights.
The Constitution
21. What are the three parts of the Constitution?
22. Articles I,II,&III creates the ________
23 How many articles are there in the Constitution?
24. How many amendments are there?
25. Of the six major principles in the Constitution Which one means government by the people ; where the people have a voice
26. Of the six principles in the Constitution Which principle means that the government does not have absolute power?
27. Of the six principles in the Constitution Which one means that each branch holds some control over the other two branches
28.Of the six principles of the Constitution Which one means that power is divided between the national and state levels
29. Of the six principles in the constitution Which one means that each of the three branches of gov’t has its own responsibilities
30. Of the six principles in the Constitution Which one means that the courts may declare laws and actions of gov’t unconstitutional?
31. What states that the laws passed by the gov’t are the highest in the land?
32. How does the President have some control over the Congress?
33. When amending the Constitution, amendments are proposed by whom?
34. When amending the Constitution, who ratifies amendments?
35. What does amend mean?
36. What does ratify mean?
37. Who wanted equal rights with the Equal Rights Amendment?
38. Was the Equal Rights Amendment ever passed?
39. What is it called when courts try to take the initiative on Social and political issues?
40. What is it called when courts try To avoid taking an active role in shaping national policy?
The Bill of Rights
1 st Amendment
Five (5) Basic Freedoms Freedom of Religion
Five (5) Basic Freedoms Freedom of Speech Does not cover Slander- the false spoken work which damages someone’s character
Five (5) Basic Freedoms Freedom of Press Does not cover Libel-the false written word that may damage someone’s character
Five (5) Basic Freedoms Freedom of Petition
Five (5) Basic Freedoms Peaceful Assembly
The 2 nd Amendment
The right to bear arms and keep guns Must be 21 to have a handgun with registration Must be 18 to have rifle with registration Can not have concealed weapon
The 3 rd Amendment
Can not be made to quarter soldiers You can not be made to house a soldier in your home during peace time without your consent
The 4 th Amendment
Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures Anyone searching your home must have a search warrant In order to obtain a search warrant, the police must have probable cause A search warrant must have Where is being searched The items they are looking for The persons being searched A judges’ signature
The 5 th Amendment
Criminal Proceeding and property A grand jury must say there is enough evidence before a trial is held You cannot be tried twice for the same offense-double jeopardy You CANNOT BE A WITNESS AGAINST YOURSELF Eminent Domain- the gov’t can not take private land for public use unless they give you fair compensation
The 6 th Amendment
Court proceeding with criminals You are entitled to a “speedy” and public trial You must have a trial by an impartial jury You must know why you are being charged You must be able to question witness against you You have the right to an attorney
The 7 th Amendment
Trial by jury In a civil suit, you may have a jury trial if it involves more than $20.00
The 8 th Amendment
No excessive punishments No excessive bail Bail- money paid as a condition of release No excessive fines Judicial systems cannot inflict cruel and unusual punishments
The 9 th Amendment
“other rights not denied to people” We have many other rights that the government cannot take away **the founding fathers could not think of everything
The 10 th Amendment
Powers reserved to the states or people If the Constitution does not delegate a specific right to any branch or gov’t, then the power is given to the states or the people
41. What types of powers are described below? These powers are written in the Constitution
42. What types of powers are described below Powers are shared between national and state governments
43. What type of powers are described below These powers are suggested by the expressed powers
44. Which powers are described below These powers naturally belong to the national government
45. Another name for the “necessary and proper clause” is the ____
46. What is found in Article I section 9?
47. Where are the powers reserved to the states found?
48. What Supreme Court case strengthened the argument of The Supremacy clause
Political Parties
49. What is a group of people with broad common interest Who try to influence government?
50. Some people believe that political parties are too strongly influence by _
51. Do political parties usually vote together on issues or Have a lot of discipline?
52. What are some problems for third parties?
53. Which of the following function of political parties does the picture illustrate
54. Which function of political parties does the picture illustrate
55. Which function of political parties does the picture illustrate?
56. How are most candidates in the U.S. nominated?
57. Who is chosen at the National Conventions?
58. What is another name for a third party?
59. The following are characteristics of what major party liberal Support tax increases for social programs Decrease military spending
60. The following are characteristics of what major party Conservative Increase military spending Tax cuts