Curriculum Night Mrs. Enders’ 4 th Grade Gators
Welcome Thank you for coming!!
Math Big math concepts in 4 th grade Fractions Adding, subtracting, multiplying, comparing and reducing fractions. Converting fractions to decimals Decimals Converting decimals to fractions Comparing fractions to decimals
Math Big math concepts in 4 th grade Multiplying 3 digit by 2 digit numbers Finding area Finding the perimeter of irregular shapes Discovering the relationships between perimeter and area Convert centimeters to meters and inches to feet and yards Determine median, mode and range
Computation Rocket Math Pull out your child’s purple Rocket Math Folder. Student’s practice their math facts orally first with a partner. They try to meet or exceed their goal. Their goal for each section is based on their handwriting speed. Once they have met or exceeded their goal orally they take a written test using that same goal. After they master one fact on the written portion they move up to the next fact.
Computation Rocket Math Directions They will be practicing their math facts at home the same way they do in class. They will start this week. As you can see they will need someone to practice with them at home. It only takes 5 minutes a night to practice.
Computation Rocket Math Directions Once they have completed all levels for multiplication and division they will move onto the challenge math. Challenge math is advanced computation.
Homework As you have noticed students have math homework every night. They correct it together in class and turn it in. If they don’t turn it in I will give them time in class to complete it during RECESS.
Homework In addition to daily math homework : Daily computation practice Daily spelling practice Reading nightly for 40 min. Monthly Genre Reading Homework Projects
Homework Projects Monthly Genre Projects The monthly Genre Project is part of their nightly reading They will choose a book from the library that fits their genre and complete a fun project to turn in Having library books turned in is important. They need to use library books for Independent Reading and Genre Projects
Writing 6 – Traits Writing Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions
Writing Using the “Writing Process” Pre-write Rough Draft Revise Edit Publish
How Many Words do Children Need to Know? 1 st Grade2 nd Grade3 rd Grade4 th Grade 800+ per year 800+ per year per year per year 2 new words per day 2 new words per day 6-8 new words per day LETRS Module 4: The Mighty Word
Vocabulary Each week we will have a new list of vocabulary words that are found within quality literature. Daily activities in class to become familiar with the meanings of these words We call these Five Dollar Words because they are higher quality words If they use the words within the correct connotation at home or recognize their use in their daily lives they receive a coupon!
Reading Reading Instruction will focus on: Use of high quality literature Comprehension Becoming aware of their thinking Target areas Author’s Purpose Compare Contrast Making Connections Inferences Questioning Fluency Rate (words per minute) or smoothness of reading Accuracy Decoding words Book Clubs to learn Literary Elements Character, plot, setting, theme etc. Word Work Phonics / recognizing patterns in words MSP Practice Monthly practice quizzes to become familiar with test taking strategies
Social Studies and Science Foss Science Kits Winter – Water Spring – Electricity Social Studies Washington State Geography History Civics
Spelling Words their way This is the same spelling program we used last year. Daily practice at home and school Spelling words will be given on Monday and tested on Friday
Discipline Policy RESPECT We have one rule in our class and that is RESPECT. Children thrive in a positive environment of respect. This includes Respect for others Respect for yourself Respect for the classroom and school
Respect! Every student has the right to know when they step through the door of our classroom they will be treated with respect from their teacher and their peers. Their responsibility is to treat others with respect!
Respect! If they make a choice to act disrespectfully: They will receive a reminder (unless it is a chronic problem). If they receive another reminder they will be asked to take a time out for 5 min. to get it together. This time out will be in the back of our classroom or in Mrs. Kendal’s classroom. If they continue they will stay in at recess to make a plan. If this doesn’t take care of the problem their will be a phone call home and a loss of a recess in the office. Finally a referral to the principal for continued disrespectful or severe behavior
Bullying will not be tolerated! BULLYING Bullying is ongoing verbal or physical intimidation or abuse directed to other persons or their property that is intended to demean or inflict negative social pressure on the victim(s). It includes, and is not limited to: picking on someone because of who they are; words or actions that are offensive or mean; behavior that is unwanted and makes a person feel bad, mad, sad, uncomfortable or scared; or unwanted actions, words, writing; discrimination against sexual preference, age, disability, body size or appearance.
Extra Information Our class website is You can now access it through the Glenwood Elementary website under teacher pages
Questions? Thank you for coming and being a partner in your child’s education!!