Basic Communication Ethics for Praxis Květoslav Šipr
Communication the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another Communication involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver
Two elements of transmition of the message: content and context Content : the actual words or symbols (language) Context : the way the message is delivered (nonverbal elements - tone of voice, body language, hand gestures)
Ethics Branch of philosophy that deals with how human beings should act and what kind of life is best for the people. Branch of science that deals with human behaviour regarding its specific human character. Bioethics Scientific discipline on the borderline between philosophy and biology (on the crossover of philosophy and biology)
Hippocratic oath First codex of moral norms. Physician´s pledge to do what he or she thinks will benefit the patient. „I will follow that method of treatment which, according to my ability and judgement, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.“ Declaration of Geneva „The health of my patient will be my first considetarion.“ International code of medical ethics of the World Medical Association „A physician shall owe his patient complete loyalty and all the resouces of his science.“
Bioethics Van Rensselaer Potter Bridge to the Future (1971) 1969 HASTINGS CENTER Daniel CALLAHAN, Willard GAYLIN First institute of bioethics studies Institute of Society Ethics and the Life Science Hastings Center Report BRIARCLIF MANOR, N.Y. GARISON 1971 JOSEPH AND ROSE KENNEDY INSTITUTE Pellegrino, Beauchamp, Childress, Veatch WASHINGTON, D.C., Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
T om L. BEAUCHAMP, James F. CHILDRES: PRINCIPLES OF BIOMEDICAL ETHICS (1 st editor 1979, 6 th edition 2008) Respect for autonomy Autonomous individual freely acts in accordance with a self-chosen plan. Nonmaleficence Obligation not to inflict harm intentionally. Beneficence Requirement to contribute to patient’s welfare Justice Fair, equitable and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to a person
Professional-patient relationship Veracity Adherence to the truth, unwillingness to tell lies Privacy Confidentiality Fidelity Quality of being faithful or loyal
Doctor-Patient communication The dual roles of physician and investigator
Communication skills contribute to the establishment and development of a high-quality relationship with the patient
Predominantly verbal Questions and Appeals Explanation Summaries Interpretation Demonstration of Understanding
Predominantly non-verbal Observation Listening Empathy Demonstration of Interest Respect
Empathy means projecting oneself into the mental condition of the other person Empathy is an „understanding through identification“.
Empathy represents the ability to recognize the mental condition of the other person, his mood, and what he is going through.
To be empathetic means to get to know the other person‘s inner life, identify with his view of the world.
Empathy has both an emotional and cognitive (or rational) dimension.