The seventh commandment: you shall not steal 51 CHOCARNE-MOREAU, Paul Charles (1855-1931) The Cunning Thief Private collection.


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Presentation transcript:

The seventh commandment: you shall not steal 51 CHOCARNE-MOREAU, Paul Charles ( ) The Cunning Thief Private collection

Compendium of the Catechism 503. What is set forth by the seventh commandment? The seventh commandment requires respect for the universal destination and distribution of goods and the private ownership of them, as well as respect for persons, their property, and the integrity of creation. The Church also finds in this Commandment the basis for her social doctrine which involves the correct way of acting in economic, social and political life, the right and the duty of human labor, justice and solidarity among nations, and love for the poor.

Introduction Jesus said to the rich young man:  “ go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me " ( Mark 10:21). The joung man went away sad. Then Jesus said to his disciples :  “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God !". This scene raises several questions:  Are we attached to the things we have?  Are we selfish?  Do we respect and take care of other people’s things?  Do we care for the poor and those who have fewer things than we do?  Do we observe our duties as citizens? FRANCKEN, Frans II The Younger The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Musée Municipal Cambrai France

Main ideas

1. God’s plans for earthly goods Man is born in the heart of a family to help him to grow up and get on with his life. Man is also surrounded by things such as food, drink, clothing and other goods that facilitate the development of his natural abilities. He has received them from God. It is God’s will that all created goods should be for the benefit of all, should belong to all, and should be acquired principally through work. The right to private property is a natural right, one willed by God; but man is only a steward and must be open to others. DROLLING, Martin Alms to the Poor Oil on panel, 34 x 28 cm Private collection

2. Respect for persons and their goods The seventh commandment prohibits the following actions as violations of the rights of our neighbour:  Theft  Usury  Fraud It also forbids:  to keep lost objects wilfully  to pay unjust wages  to raise prices taking advantage of other people’s ignorance or necessity  to bribe  to evade tax  to forge cheques and invoices  to waste resources TITIAN ( ) The Tribute Money Oil on canvas, /2 x 22 inches (75 x 56 cm) Gemäldegalerie, Dresden

3. Respect for the integrity of creation God has not given man absolute and despotic dominion over nature; his relative dominion is conditioned by the due respect and care of other people’s quality of life, including that of future generations. It is licit to use animals for food and clothing, but it is not consonant with human dignity to inflict needless suffering on animals, nor to spend too much money on animals, when it could be used to help the needy. ADAM, Benno ( ) Dogs and Whelps Oil on canvas, /8 x 45 5/8 inches (81.9 x cm) Private collection

4. To indemnify for harm inflicted Stealing or inflicting serious harm on people’s goods is a serious sin; if the damage is small it is only a venial sin. The serious sin is forgiven in confession if the contrition is accompanied by –at least— the intention of returning the stolen goods or of indemnifying for the harm inflicted; where this intention is absent the sin is not forgiven. If the stolen goods no longer exist, something similar to the stolen goods has to be bought and given in their place. HIPPOLYTE BELLANGE, Joseph-Louis La Bourse ou la Vie 1827 Private Collection

5. Right attitude towards earthly goods Regarding ourselves. We know that earthly goods are for our use and that we need them, but there are more important goods, for example: love of God and of neighbour manifested with deeds. Regarding others:  Christians, to be faithful to the Gospel, have to share their belongings with those in need.  It is also our duty to help to provide for the needs of the Church. METSYS, Quentin The Money-Lenders Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome

Resolutions for Christian life

Resolutions to move forward To be generous in lending our own things to our brothers, friends, colleagues, etc. Never to steal, regardless of how little it is, not even in our own home. And if we steal something, to be sure we return it as soon as possible. To give alms to the poor and the needy.