“Chasing Lincoln’s Killer”
(n.) a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrong doing, often as a subordinate.
Synonyms conspirator, ally, collaborator Antonyms enemy, opponent
(n.) a false name used to conceal one’s identity; an assumed name
Synonyms pseudonym Antonyms name
(v.) to inflict punishment in retaliation for harm done to a person or persons; take revenge for or on behalf of.
Synonyms vindicate revenge Antonyms forgive, encourage
(n.) the angular direction of a line, point, or course measured from true North or one’s own position
Synonyms Course, aim Antonyms disorder
(n.) the diameter of the bore of a gun taken as a unit of measurement; the diameter of a shell or bullet. (n.) degree of merit or excellence; quality
Synonyms worth distinction Antonyms Inability, weakness
(n.) a final decisive event, usually causing a disastrous end.
Synonyms disastrous, tragic Antonyms fortunate, successful
(adj.) pertaining to or coming to a climax
Synonyms peak, culminating Antonyms
(n.) security pledged for a repayment of a loan.
Synonyms bail, security Antonyms
(n.) a close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed.
Synonyms crony, adviser, acquaintance Antonyms enemy, stranger
(v.) To seize property, especially for public use and by way of penalty.
Synonyms forfeit, seize Antonyms give, offer
(n.) a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose. A secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, especially with political motivation.
Synonyms plot, scheme Antonyms faithfulness, honesty
(n.) usually evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlement to privileges usually in written form a letter or certificate giving evidence of the bearer's identity or competence
Synonyms certificate, proof, authorization Antonyms refusal
(n.) representation in image form, as in a painting or illustration.
Synonyms likeness, representation Antonyms
(n.) The conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc.
Synonyms conversation, communication Antonyms quiet, monologue
(n.) a rapid spread or increase in the occurrence of something.
Synonyms Contagious, infectious Antonyms limited
(n.) a faithful attendant or supporter. (n.) an unscrupulous and ruthless supporter, especially a criminal.
Synonyms accomplice, lackey, sidekick Antonyms opponent, leader
(v.) To stir up, encourage or provoke to action
Synonyms instigate, provoke Antonyms discourage
(n.) a legal or judicial inquiry, usually before a jury, especially an investigation made by a coroner into the cause of an unexplained, sudden, or violent death.
Synonyms inquiry, examination Antonyms conclusion, findings
(n.) a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause
Synonyms saint, scapegoat Antonyms
(n.) an object or item that serves to remind one of a person, past event, etc.
Synonyms keepsake, souvenir Antonyms
(adj.) widely and unfavorably known; well-known for some bad or unfavorable quality, deed, etc.
Synonyms infamous, outrageous, disreputable Antonyms unknown, moral
(n.) a condition, state, or situation, especially an unfavorable or unfortunate one; a condition of extreme hardship, danger, etc.
Synonyms predicament, condition, trouble Antonyms advantage, solution
(n.) a military formation varying in size from a battalion to a number of battalions or battle groups.
Synonyms organize, order Antonyms
(n.) an object having interest by reason of its age or its association with the past; something that has survived from the past, such as an object or custom
Synonyms keepsake, artifact Antonyms whole
(n.) a place of refuge; asylum
Synonyms shrine, church, temple Antonyms
(v.) to withdraw formally from an alliance or federation; as from a political union.
Synonyms break with, leave, resign Antonyms join, advance, continue
(n.) thick or dense growth of shrubs, bushes, or small trees.
Synonyms underbrush Antonyms clearing