Peter’s Regrets
Purposes See with Gospel eyes See the Goal of God’s work in us See the character of Jesus in Peter’s faults
See with Gospel eyes
See the Goal of God’s work in us Ephesians 2:1-10 Philippians 1:3-6 Matthew 5:48 –Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect John 8:10-11 –From now on sin no more John 5:14 –Sin no more lest a worse thing happen
See the character of Jesus in Peter’s faults Regard for Truth Righteous Judgment Mercy Kindness Love for men Love of God
Pick on Peter Peter Walks on the Water Peter Identifies Jesus Transfiguration Peter denies his own denial 2 nd Key to the Kingdom
Peter Walks on the Water Faith to step out Saw boisterous waves Began to sink Come to ME Jesus calls it what it is: –Little Faith Asked “Why did you doubt”?
Peter Identifies Jesus Let the Father reveal Jesus Confessed the Son of God Took Jesus aside Saw beyond the flesh Blessed are you Get ‘behind’ Me Satan
Transfiguration Humility Serving attitude Placed Jesus on level with men Chosen by Jesus No need for tent Father, Himself gave Peter an answer
Peter denies his own denial Passover Not me Even to death, Not me Fulfill scripture Quotes another scripture Predicts future
2 nd Key to the Kingdom Opens KOG for Jews Opens KOG for Gentiles Withdraws to the Jews Given by Jesus Shown by revelation Paul rebukes
Other mistakes of Peter Wanting to limit forgiveness to others Refusing Jesus to wash his feet Slept in the Garden when asked to pray Chopped off Malcus’s ear Told to kill and eat, calls the Gentiles unclean
Practical Solutions for our Imperfections Fasting –Isaiah 58:1-9 Inflict your soul Loose bonds of wickedness Undo heavy burdens Let oppressed go free Consider the less fortunate –Focuses the mind & flesh Set by your own conscience Brings closeness between you and God
Practical Solutions for our Imperfections Reading Scripture –Prophetic Word - II Peter 1:16-21 –Trains the mind & conscience –Living by Bread from heaven Doing Righteousness –Isaiah 59:1-8
Good done by God through Peter Waked on the water First to confess the Son of God Left everything to follow Jesus Opened the doors of the Kingdom Raised dead, miracles Preached the Gospel of Christ to many Write 2 books of the New Testament
Conclusion I Peter 5:8 –Be sober & Vigilant, Devil is a roaring lion II Peter 3:14 –Blameless & without spot I Peter 4:17 –Judgment coming to end all second chances