Commanding Officer’s Statement on Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Assault The United States Marine Corps is a noble institution which has fought and bled to ensure our Country’s safety. In such, we have seared within the American psyche, and to those who would do us harm, that we will be ready at a moment’s notice, capable of dealing with the most complex of issues. We have earned this reputation through victories paid for in blood on the battlefield. Each of us stands on the shoulders of giants who have worn the Eagle, Globe and Anchor with unwavering pride. Discrimination and Sexual Harassment/Assault not only diminish the reputation of this organization, it undermines the trust inherent to our profession. I demand the Marines and Sailors of THE 1 st Battalion, to treat each other with the same level of respect they would wish to be afforded themselves. Failure to adhere to this ideal will do more damage to this organization than any the enemy would inflict upon us. Equal Opportunity: First and foremost, we are an equal opportunity organization. Any actions/decisions that are taken which are made with biasness in regards to a person’s gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion or nationality are UNACCEPTABLE. We define Marines not by their skin color or gender, but as Marines, each forged in the same crucible. We are inclusive to individual beliefs and rights made inalienable to us all by our Constitution. Many of you treat each other with respect, however, if you tolerate such actions, if you look away, you are just as guilty as the culprit of such intolerable acts. It is your duty, in all circumstances, to report such cases to your chain of command and the Bn Equal Opportunity Officer where they will be adjudicated. I treat others with the respect I wish to be afforded, each of you will do the same. Sexual Harassment/Assault: The only people who should live in fear of us are our enemies. Yet, we have Marines and sailors within this organization who live in fear of being sexual harassed/assaulted. These actions are criminal events and thus will be prosecuted with the full weight of the UCMJ and our civilian laws. Outside of the mental and physical anguish imposed, these acts are both degrading to the individual and the organization. We fight so that the people of our Nation can sleep well at night, yet many of you are not afforded the same safety within this organization. Trust is the intangible that a unit succeeds or fails by. Sexual harassment/assault not only erodes that trust, in many cases it destroys it. The level at which sexual harassment/assault is being reported on within the ranks of our Corps is unprecedented, and it is only a fraction of what is occurring within our profession. Have the moral courage to stand up to the cowards who would attack our Marines and sailors and bring discredit to us all. Witnesses or victims have the obligation to utilize the restricted or unrestricted means of reporting incidents to our Uniformed Victims Advocate. Remember, trust is the basis of our success. Failure to adhere to that trust will degrade this unit’s ability to fight and win wars. The Marines and Sailors within this organization are entrusted to us by our nation and their families; it is our obligation and duty to treat them with the respect they have earned. Stephen Pritchard Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment “First in the World”