Eco Terrorism in America Dr. Alison Meek Department of History King’s University College The Evolution of the Environmental Movement Earth First! and ELF The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) Response
Terrorism what is terrorism? FBI º domestic terrorism “the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the US and Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives” º eco/animal rights terrorist as #1 threat ∞ why?
Eco Terrorism evolution of movements to terrorist groups º fringe/splinter º asymmetrical warfare º media attention
Evolution of the Environmental Movement conservation º National Parks Rachel Caron, Silent Spring, 1962 º pesticides
government legislation, 1960s-1970s º water º EPA º Earth Day, April 1970
Environmental Radicalism Greenpeace, 1972 º Canadians º whaling & seals º nuclear testing º nonviolence º violent response
Environmental Radicalism Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 1977 º Paul Watson º whaling º net cutting º bombs º ram and sink ships
Deep Ecology bio-centricism
Deep Ecology environmental equality º all life forms º mountains and streams º viruses radical changes needed º human population º pre-industrial society
Earth First! (1980) targets º corporate industrialism º over population º energy consumption º resource consumption º pollution
tactics º no compromise º monkeywrenching ∞ public awareness ∞ inflict economic damage
Earth First! monkeywrenching º survey stakes º vehicle destruction º tree sitting º power lines º tree spiking
Earth First! Glen Canyon Dam, 1981 FBI sting, 1990 splits emerging
Earth Liberation Front (ELF), 1992 direct action º vandalism º arson
targets º “real terrorists” º McDonald’s º Forest Service stations º condos ∞ San Diego, 2003 º SUVs and dealerships
Vail, October 1998 º mountain lynx
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) England, 1976 America, 1979 targets º university labs (UWO) º McDonald’s º pet stores
tactics º fire/arson
tactics º vandalism
tactics º animal liberation º Operation Bite Back, 1990s ∞ fur farms and labs º problems animal deaths in the wild
Organizational Structure leaderless cells º 2-5 people benefits? dangers?
Government Backlash Congressional hearings º PETA and funding legal protection ‘Animal Enterprises’
FBI and Eco Radicals FBI categorize as #1 domestic terrorist threat º militias º anti-abortion terrorists º religious terrorists why?