Restorative Guide A very brief guide to introduce the principles and methods of a restorative approach
Restorative approaches provide a ethos and philosophy for making, maintaining and repairing relationships and for nurturing a sense of shared responsibility and accountability. Finding a New Ethos
Implementing a restorative approach may not be universally welcome as some may feel it challenges their views about power and control and the desire to inflict punishment on those who are perceived to have done something wrong or ‘misbehaved’. Balance of Power Shift
When harm has been caused by inappropriate, thoughtless or negative behaviour those involved may benefit from: an opportunity to tell their side of the story and feel ‘listened to” to understand better how the situation happened to understand how it can be avoided in future to feel understood by the others involved to find a way to move on and feel better about themselves Positive Impact
If conflict and challenges are dealt with in a way that addresses these needs repairing the damage done will enable positive learning and development for all involved. If those involved feel fairly treated and respected, and trusted to work through solutions for themselves they will be empowered for the future. Resolving Conflict
Because all involved are listened to, people in conflict are more ready to listen to others’ perspectives and emotional responses, and so encourage their empathic development. This may help change the choices made in future situations, as mutual respect and consideration develop. Involvement
Compare restorative with punitive interventions where results can be seen to: cause resentment rather than reflection those involved can see their treatment as unfair and indeed can make them worse may be detrimental to ongoing relationships result in labelling as wrongdoers or victims resulting in further negative imagery can often lead to frustration and de-motivation Punitive Outcomes
Environments that have had most success in the implementation of a restorative approach are those that have seen it as part of an ongoing plan to develop relationship skills, emotional literacy, health and wellbeing and distributed leadership opportunities. Restorative Environments
There are many models of restorative approaches, and a wide range of training resources available. So me of these are listed here, but this is by no means a comprehensive list Models of Restorative
Schools can be encouraged to consider what Restorative Approaches and Practices as part of a whole school approach to relationship building and conflict management. Support and advice is available from a number of sources and a local Youth Offending Service should be able to give advice Support
Restorative Possibilities A restorative approach is not a ‘one-size fits all’ solution. There are different approaches depending upon the seriousness of what has taken place, the history and background and the circumstances that apply at the time.
Restorative Possibilities There are therefore different approaches that can be used and here we try to outline how best they might be described with the lower level of intervention first. Restorative Enquiry Restorative Discussion Circle Restorative Mediation Restorative Intervention Restorative Conference Family Group Conference
Restorative Enquiry The starting point for all restorative processes involving active non-judgemental listening. The process can be used with one person to help them reflect on a situation and find ways for forward for themselves. It is also useful before and during face-to-face meetings.
Restorative Discussion In a confrontational situation where those involved have self perceived differing levels of power. Skills required include expressing and listening for feelings and needs, and understanding why each has acted in the way they have.
Restorative Circles Circles have become a well established approach to team building and problem solving, enables a group to get to know each other and develop mutual respect, trust and concern.
Restorative Intervention Has been included here as an experienced facilitator may identify the need to be versatile in the approach they use and may use a combination of other approaches may be appropriate following an event or events where some form of victimisation has been involved. It is essential those involved recognise they have caused harm. It is essential that both sides give informed consent to their involvement and any outcomes.
Restorative Mediation In conflicts where both parties or groups believe the other is the cause of the problem. The mediator remains impartial, and helps both sides to consider the problem as a shared one that needs a joint solution. This does offer the opportunity to involved students as mediators where they have had sufficient training and are adequately supported in the role.
Restorative Conference Will involve those who have acknowledged causing harm meeting with those they have harmed. They may wish to see and understand each other's perspective and come to a mutual agreed outcome which will repair the harm as much as possible. All participants can involve supporters who may have been affected and have something to say from a personal perspective.
Family Group Conference May provide a useful approach in complex instances of ongoing or high level confrontation or intimidation where a mutually agreed plan is needed to provide support to a young person or their family in making changes. This is a stage that requires facilitator(s) with a high level of training, skill and experience.
Facilitators At every level of restorative intervention the role of facilitator is key. No facilitator should intervene unless they have been appropriately trained and have the necessary experience to undertake the role under the circumstances that exist. Failure to do so can have very serious consequences for all involved
There is a great deal of material available to support the move to a restorative approach, here are just a few examples with no endorsement: Handbook of restorative Justice - Johnston and Van Ness The Little Book of Restorative Justice – Zehr Restorative Solutions – Flanagan – Restorative Practice in Schools – Howard - CfBT Education Trust National Evaluation of Restorative Justice in Schools Programme – Youth Justice Board Further Reading and Information
These notes have been drawn up in support of the Comenius Regio Project with teachers from bit the UK and Denmark collaborating to share their knowledge and understanding of implementing restorative approaches in school These notes have been drawn up and are based upon the experience of David Casey who trained as an RJ facilitator in 1999 and who has since been a practitioner and trainer in RJ. David is the CEO of E-ngage Development a not-for-profit developing online solutions in education and training.