Positive Behavior Intervention and Support PBIS Topic: Bullying Part I Ready Respectful Responsible
PBIS on Peer Interactions Ready Understand everyone is different. Respectful Be Kind. Do not say or do hurtful things to others. Responsible Be mature. Make an effort to understand what may offend others
Bullying Statistics Bullied victims are 7-9% more likely to commit suicide. – Suicide is 3 rd leading cause of teenage death – 16% of US teens contemplate suicide each year – 13% of US teens create a plan to kill themselves – 8% of US teens make a suicide attempt While students in public school (2014 data) – 17% were victims of cyber bullying – 41% were victims of physical bullying – 15% experienced other types of bulling
Bullies and Bystanders: What Kids Say. Video
Where the State Dept. of Education states that Bullying: Bullying may occur on school property, bus, bus stop, athletic event, on school computers or network (wifi), or during the school day using any electronic media.
The State Dept. of Education states that Bullying is… Attempt or threat to inflict injury when accompanied by an apparent ability to do so. Display of force that causes fear in the victim. Written, verbal or physical harassment, intimidation, or threat that: – Causes harm – Interferes with education of the victim – Disrupts the orderly operation of school
Do you think is Bullying? 1.While at Church, Mary posted on Facebook that Susie Q. dressed like a tramp for church. NO. According to State DOE Rules: This occurred outside of school. It is not a school issue. Advice for Susie: She should block Mary from her Facebook account. More on Cyberbullying later.
Bullying and Bystanders: What the Experts Say. Video
Do you think is Bullying? 2. Droell reports that while in the media center that the intern, named KK, threatened to beat him up. No. To be considered bullying, the person making the threat must be physically able to carry out the threat. Advice for Droell: KK is just mean. Avoid the media center while she is working in that area.
Do you think is Bullying? 3. Bob has a habit of playing pranks on Larry. Once he put thumb tacks in Larry’s chair; several of which penetrated the skin. Larry does not think any of Bob’s pranks are funny. Yes. Harassment is considered bullying. Advice for Larry: Report this to a school official. They will ask Bob to stop. If he doesn’t = Bullying.
Do you think is Bullying? 4. The cheerleaders don’t like Mallory because she is all about her AP classes. During their Social Studies class they all call her vulgarities on instagram during Mr. Powell’s class. Yes. They posted hurtful comments during school hours. Advice for Mallory: Report this to a school official.
If Charged with Bullying at BCHS 1 st Offense – 2-3 days of Out of School Suspension 2 nd Offense – Alternative School Placement
Stand up Video