TIME Bad Good Garden New Heaven New Earth The Fall
God’s discipline God’s discipline Persecution Persecution
“The infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense.”
“Training expected to produce a specific character, or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement or self- control”
TIME Bad Good Garden New Heaven New Earth The Fall
Out of Twinkies Bad Gifts FluLossBetrayal Broken Heart CancerDeathHellInjury Fruit Cake
“God is not coming to his children late after the attack, and saying, "I can make this turn for good." That is not discipline. That is repair. It's the difference between the surgeon who plans the incision for our good, and the emergency room doctor who sews us up after a freak accident. This text says, God is the doctor planning our surgery, not the doctor repairing our lacerations.” John Piper
Is God good? Is God good? Is God sovereign? Is God sovereign? Is God unfair? Is God unfair? Does God owe us a persecution-free life? Does God owe us a persecution-free life? Do we know everything God knows? Do we know everything God knows? Is God trustworthy? Is God trustworthy? Can God bring good out of persecution? Can God bring good out of persecution? Can we trust Him to bring good in this circumstance? Can we trust Him to bring good in this circumstance?
Confirm salvation Confirm salvation Preach the truth to yourself Preach the truth to yourself Examine your life Examine your life Pray, meditate, fast Pray, meditate, fast Apply the lessons: Apply the lessons: God loves you God loves you God desires your highest good God desires your highest good Thank God Thank God Worship God Worship God Cry out to God Cry out to God Trust God Trust God Get help from the body of Christ Get help from the body of Christ Seek counsel Seek counsel Continue praying Continue praying