Gallo’s Game Show Extravaganza H Envi Sci Final Exam Review Chapters 8, 10, 11 & 12
Which of the following would be considered a population? A. People, cats, dogs, and fleas at the park B. People at the park C. People, rocks, dirt, dogs, cats and fleas D. I have no clue what a population is…
What are the 4 major characteristics of a population? Size Density Dispersion Age distribution
What are the 3 dispersion patterns? Random Uniform Clumped
What are factors that limit the growth of a population collectively called? Environmental resistance
What is the rate at which a population would grow if it had unlimited resources? Intrinsic rate of increase (r)
What is the equation for determining population growth? A.(birth + deaths) – (immigration + emigration) B.(births + emigration) + (deaths-immigration) C.(births + immigration) + (deaths – emigration) D.(births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)
What is the capacity of a population for growth? Biotic potential
What are some characteristics of a population with high biotic potential? Reproduce early in life, generalized niche, suitable habitat, favorable light, short generation times, reproduce frequently
What is determined by the interplay of environmental resistance and biotic potential? Carrying capacity
What is the maximum size of population that an environment will support Carrying capacity – determined by the interplay of biotic potential and environmental resistance
What are the 3 phases of logistic growth? Phase 1 – exponential Phase 2 - slows down - Due to: BR decreases, DR increases, immigration decrease, emigration increases Phase 3 – population stabilized, reaches carrying capacity
Which of the following is not a risk associated with sexual reproduction? A. Females have to produces twice as many offspring to maintain the same number of young as asexually reproducing organisms (BECAUSE MALES DON’T REPRODUCE) B.Increased chance of genetic errors and defects during the splitting and recombination of chromosomes C.Courtship and mating rituals consume time and energy, can transmit disease, and can inflict injury on males competing for sexual partners D.Provides for less genetic diversity in the offspring therefore giving them less of a chance of survival when env. condition change
Density Independent or Density Dependent Predation DD
Density Independent or Density Dependent Competition DD
Density Independent or Density Dependent Affects all populations equally regardless of size DI
Density Independent or Density Dependent Fire DI
Biotic Potential or Env Res Favorable conditions BP
Biotic Potential or Env Res Low reproductive rate ER
Biotic Potential or Env Res Specialized niche ER
Biotic Potential or Env Res Inability to resist parasites and disease ER
Biotic Potential or Env Res Generalized niche BP
r or k selected species Many small offspring r
r or k selected species Late reproductive age k
r or k selected species Little or no parental care r – unlike Mrs. GALLO!!!
r or k selected species Population fairly stable, at or near carrying capacity k
What is the type of relationship in which population size fluctuates slightly above and below carrying capacity? Stable
What is the type of relationship that shows no real pattern? Chaotic
What type of growth is represented by a J shaped curve? Exponential – bacteria may exhibit this
What is the scientific process of using statistical methods to estimate how much harm a particular hazard can cause to human health or the environment? Risk assessment
What are the 4 types of hazards? Cultural/lifestyle choices Biological Chemical Physical
What causes malaria and what transmits it? Plasmodium parasite Transmitted by Anopheles mosquito
What are the 3 principle types of chemical hazards? Mutagens Carcinogens Teratogens Only 2% of synthetic chemicals today have been tested to see if they are these
Which causes a change in DNA? Mutagens
What is a carcinogen? Give an example Cigarette smoke, viruses, radiation, chemicals, may have a year delay between exposure and cancer
What are gender benders; chemicals that may disrupt the bodies hormone levels by mimicking the action of estrogen and disrupting the reproductive system by binding to hormone receptors? HAAs – hormonally active agents
What explains the high amount of DDT found in eagles (top of the food chain)? Biological magnification
Which statement is true? A. All chemicals are unsafe B. Natural chemicals are safe, synthetic chemicals are deadly C. All chemicals are safe except the ones that cause cancer D. Some chemicals, man made or natural are safe others are deadly
Give the two indicators of overall health in a population. Life expectancy and infant mortality High LE and Low IM will produce the highest rate of population growth
The average number of births a woman has in a population is known as? Total fertility rate
The crude birth rate is the number of births per _____ people. 1000
What are useful for predicting population momentum and comparing population growth between countries? Age structure diagrams
What is the possibility of suffering harm from a hazard that can cause injury, disease, economic loss, death, or environmental damage? Risk
What are the 3 age groups in age structure diagrams? Pre reproductive Reproductive Post reproductive
What are the 3 most populous countries on Earth (start with most)? China, India, US
What are the four stages of demographic transition? Preindustrial, transitional, industrial, postindustrial
What are the layers of the atmosphere? Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere
Which layer contains the ozone layer? Stratosphere
What is the most abundant gas in the atomsphere? Nitrogen
What are two primary pollutants that eventually result in acid rain? No x and SO 2
In order to have photochemical smog, pollutants (both primary and secondary) react with? Sunlight
What can be linked to weakened trees, leaching of ions and metals, contamination of fish? Acid rain
What is the greenhouse effect? Trapping of heat energy in the troposphere by certain gaseous molecules (greenhouses gases –CO 2, CH 4, H 2 O vapor...)
What are some effects of global warming? Reduction in biodiversity, severe storms, decreased food production, spread of tropical diseases, rise in sea level, desert expansion, long heat waves, droughts
What can trap and thus concentrate/exacerbate the pollution in the lower level of the atmosphere Thermal inversion
What are slowing the rate of ozone depletion? Stopping, reusing/recovering or substituting ozone depleting chemicals like CFCs…