Islamic Rulings on Smoking
The behaviour of a Muslim is governed by some basic guiding principles as follows: Fardhu : Things that are obligatory, like the daily prayers and fasting in Ramadhan Halal : Things that are clearly permissible Haram : Things that are clearly prohibited, like eating of pork Mubah : Things should be done in times of need, danger or emergency, such as the saving of lives by whatever means, mass donations or offering help for people of any race or religion afflicted by calamities Sunnat : Things which are optional, like the performance of the tarawih prayers during Ramadhan Makruh : Things to be avoided even though its not Haram, like drinking of coffee
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “ Truly, what is lawful is evident, and what is unlawful is evident, and in between the two are matters which are doubtful which many people do not know. He who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and honour blameless, and he who indulges in doubtful things indulges in fact in unlawful things, just as a shepherd who pasture them in it. Beware, every king has a preserve and the things God has declared unlawful are His preserves. Beware, in the body there’s a piece of flesh; If it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt; the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart.” Health Warnings : Smoking is bad for your heart
Smoking is one of the things which has caused a lot of problems and harm these days and it has spread like wild fire. Before we discuss this topic in detail, we should know that Allah the Almighty has divided things in the world into two types, good or permissible (al-tayyibaat, al-halaal) and evil or prohibited (al- khabaa'ith, al-haraam), and there is no third type. "And He makes good things halaal for them and bad things haraam." Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) in surat al-A'raaf (7:157): Considering this fact, smoking can either be permissible and good or prohibited and evil.
Thus, we present some of its characteristics and let the person asking the question see himself in which type lies smoking. 1.There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for health. It is one of the major causes of lung cancer and other diseases. It is also one of the major causes of death. Since, it is known that the Islamic law prohibits everything that is harmful for a human being. Allah said (interpretation of meaning): "Do not kill yourself. Allah is Merciful unto you." (Surat al-Nisaa' 4:29) In addition, Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "There is no harm or causing of harm in Islam."
2. There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for the health of others who inhale the polluted breath of the smoker. Medical research has proven the harmful effects of smoking mothers on their children. 3. The offensive smell caused by smoking is a source of pain to the worshippers of Allah among humans and angels. The angels are offended and suffer from the same things that the human beings suffer from. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning): "Those who cause harm to believing men and women without any reason do a great sin." (Surat al-Ahzaab, 33:58)
4. The money that is spent on cigarettes is used on buying a harmful thing and is therefore an extravagance. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning): "… and do not be extravagant wasters. Those who are extravagant are kinsmen of Satan." (Surat al-Israa' 17:26-27) Extravagance (in Islam) means spending on something Haram. Spending money on cigarettes is a waste of resources as well. The Prophet (saw) said, "A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about..... what he owned as to how he spent it."
In Short Why is Smoking labeled Haram in Islam ? Anything that harms the human body is Haram Bringing harm to others is Haram and so does smoking Smoking will lead to diseases and this is Haram Smoking creates economic hardships for the family or the society which will compromise the funding and Maslahah of the family & society Every Muslim are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke (inhale) something which could lead to their death whether it be instantly or in a long period of time Every things which inflict harm to the servant of Allah affecting the Deen or the body or the property without any benefit, is definitely Haram."
"Whatever harms the body or mind is unlawful, from which the unlawfulness of the well known tobacco is known." Sulayman Bujayrmi, a Shafi'i scholar in the 18 th. Century
Considering all that has been presented, it can be clearly seen that smoking is an evil among many others. It is not permissible to indulge in it, or buy and sell it, or even to offer it to others. It is incumbent on a person who is addicted to it that he must make all efforts and get whatever necessary treatment to stop it. If the unbelievers have understood the harm caused by smoking and made laws regarding it, the Muslims should be even more eager to stop it and treat those who are addicted to it.
"No slave will reach the level of Taqwa (God consciousness) until he abstains from whatever which does not bring good due to him, being careful not to indulge in anything which is prohibited." Prophet Muhammad (saw)
So what are you waiting for….. ?
Be a Muslim, Quit Smoking now We ask Allah the Almighty to cure everyone indulging in this evil and help him in giving it up. Allah is the Best Guide to the Right Path.