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Back to menu Back to menu1 A learner makes a racist comment in lesson. What do you do? a)Ignore it b)Say that it is inappropriate & see them later to discuss c)Engage in a short discussion on the appropriateness & follow up with a group tutorial
Back to menu Back to menu2 Equality and Diversity is about treating everyone in the same way True or False
Back to menu Back to menu3 Equality and Diversity should be embedded into ALL teaching sessions True or False
Back to menu Back to menu4 The language we use can affect equal opportunity True or False
Back to menu Back to menu5 I actively plan E & D activities into my lessons? True or false
Back to menu Back to menu6 Offer an example of how a resource can be adapted to cover a diverse range of learners
Back to menu Back to menu7 Offer an example of how assessment activities can be adapted to meet learner needs.
Back to menu Back to menu8 Offer an example of how you could cover Equality and Diversity in a session in your programme area
Back to menu Back to menu9 Offer an example of an opportunity (missed or otherwise) that you have had in the classroom