SAAS Conference / NAITx Summit Federal Leadership Panel New Orleans, LA June 20, 2012 Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. SAMHSA Administrator CHANGE, CHALLENGE & OPPORTUNITY – SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND ADDICTION IN A CHANGING HEALTH CARE ENVIRONMENT
4 NATIONALLY – SUBSTANCE ABUSE ~ 22.1 million persons aged 12 + were classified with substance dependence or abuse in the past year (8.7 percent) 4.2 million illicit drugs 15.0 million alcohol 2.9 million classified with dependence or abuse of both
5 UPTICKS IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE Use of illicit drugs ↑ between 2008 and : 22.6 million (8.9 percent of those 12+) current illicit drug users 2009: Rate of 8.7 percent 2008: Rate of 8.0 percent Use of marijuana ↑ from 2007 to : 6.9 percent (17.4 million) 2007: 5.8 percent (14.4 million) Continuing ↑ in rate of current illicit drug use among young adults aged 18 to : 21.5 percent 2009: 21.2 percent 2008: 19.6 percent
6 Current methamphetamine users ↓ by ~ half 731,000 people (0.3 percent) in 2006 to 353,000 (0.1 percent) in 2010 Current Cocaine users ↓ (2006 to 2010) 2.4 million current users in 2006 to 1.5 million in AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT
7 AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT – ALCOHOL Alcohol Use Among Underage Persons (12-20) ↓ (2002 to 2010) Current alcohol ↓ 28.8 to 26.3 percent Binge drinking ↓ 19.3 to 17.0 percent Heavy drinking ↓ 6.2 to 5.1 percent Current Use Varies by Age year olds ↓ 51.0 to 48.9 percent year olds ↓ 32.6 to 24.6 percent year olds ↓ 16.6 to 12.4 percent year olds ↓ 4.3 to 3.1 percent Binge Drinking Varies by College Enrollment In college more likely to drink, drink heavily and binge drink
8 FULL OF CHALLENGES…FULL OF OPPORTUNITIES A Day in the Life of American Adolescents On an average day in the U.S., adolescents (12-17) 508,000 drink alcohol 641,000 use illicit drugs > than 1 million smoke cigarettes Adolescents who used substances for the first time on an average day: ● Approximately 7,500 alcohol ● Approximately 4,360 used an illicit drug ● Around 3,900 smoked cigarettes ● Nearly 3,700 used marijuana ● Approximately 2,500 abused pain relievers
9 UNDERAGE DRINKING ↓, BUT… ~5,000 young people die each year from injuries caused by underage drinking – stagnant > 67 percent of young people who start drinking before age 15 will try an illicit drug > 4 in 10 who begin drinking before age 15 eventually become dependent on alcohol Six million children (9 percent) live with at least one parent who abuses alcohol or other drugs Young people with a major depressive episode are twice as likely to take a 1st drink or use drugs for the 1st time as those who do not experience such an episode
10 ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES Adults who begin drinking alcohol before age 21 are more likely to have an alcohol dependence or abuse disorder than those who had their first drink after age 21 Nearly 6,000 students (ages ) injured under the influence of alcohol >1,800 students die from alcohol-related causes More than 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem As many as 1.5 percent of students report a suicide attempt due to drinking or drug use
11 ~30 % of deaths by suicide involved alcohol intoxication – BAC at or above legal limit 4 other substances were identified in ~10% of tested victims – amphetamines, cocaine, opiates (prescription & heroin), marijuana SUICIDE, ALCOHOL, AND DRUGS
12 TREATMENT EPISODES DATA (TEDS) In 2010: 1,820,737 SA Treatment Admissions Five Substance Groups Accounted for 96 Percent of Primary Substances Reported Alcohol: 41 percent Opiates: 23 percent Marijuana: 18 percent Cocaine: 8 percent Methamphetamine/Amphetamines: 6 percent
13 TREND DATA: TREATMENT ADMISSIONS 2000 – 2010 Treatment Admission Rates (per 100,000 population) for Persons 12 and Older Overall admissions ↑ 4 percent 400 percent ↑ for abuse of prescription pain relievers Rates for opiates (other than heroin) were between 272 and 774 percent ↑ in 9 of 9 Census divisions 27 percent ↑ methamphetamine/amphetamines 21 percent ↑ primarily related to marijuana disorders
14 PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE CHALLENGES Increasing rates of prescription drug misuse – all ages, genders, and communities Emergency room visits involving pharmaceutical drugs misuse or abuse have doubled over the past five years; and, for the third year in a row, exceed the number of visits involving illicit drugs 25 percent of controlled substance prescriptions come from emergency departments Over half (55.9 percent) of youth and adults who use prescription pain relievers non-medically got them from a friend or relative for free
15 SAMHSA PRIORITIES Prevention SA Prevention & Emotional Health Development Suicide Underage Drinking Prescription Drug Abuse Health Reform Essential Health Benefits/QHPs/Parity Enrollment/Eligibility Provider Capacity Workforce
16 RFA - STRATEGIC PREVENTION FRAMEWORK PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUCCESS II Grants to States, to Build on Strategic Prevention Framework and Epidemiology Efforts Prioritize Underage Drinking, Prescription Drug Abuse and/or a Third Issue Based on State’s Own Data Focus on High Need Communities for Issues Addressed
17 FOCUS: UNDERAGE DRINKING 2012 STOP Act RFA – Asked for Evidence of or Barriers to State/Community Collaboration, to Meet Goals of Act HHS Behavioral Health Coordinating Council (BHCC) – Campus Presidents’ Collaboration Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) Surgeon General’s Call to Action – Updating Evidence-Base of Policy/Environmental Approaches Webinar Series from Participating Departments Common Messages for Public Education
18 ICCPUD COMMON MESSAGES Alcohol is the drug of choice among our Nation’s young people; while they drink less frequently than adults, youth consume more when they drink Drinking often starts at young ages, and alcohol use and binge drinking increase dramatically during adolescence Youth who report drinking prior to the age of 15 are more likely to experience problems related to alcohol later in life Many young people drink in extreme ways
19 ICCPUD COMMON MESSAGES (cont’d) Underage drinking has profound negative consequences Underage drinkers not only negatively affect themselves, they harm others For some, underage drinking & drug use occur together; this combination increases the risk of negative consequences from both Underage alcohol use is not inevitable – there are policies and programs that have been proven to prevent and reduce underage drinking
20 FOCUS: PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE Work w/ ONDCP’s 2011 Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan BHCC Subcommittee Information & Strategies for Office of the Secretary Data re Sources and Prescribing Patterns (w/ ASPE) RFA re PDMP Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration and Cross-State Interoperability Expansion Funding PDMP Pilots (IN & OH) to Test Interoperability with Other HIT/EHR Systems (w/ ONC)
21 PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE (cont’d) Medical Education for Current Prescribers CMEs for Prescribers for Chronic Pain Training in Opioid Treatment Programs Physician Clinical Support System – Opioids Prevention of Prescription Drug Abuse in the Workplace (PAW) Technical Assistance Webinar and Issue Brief on Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse for Older Americans (w/ AoA)
22 *PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE (cont’d) Public Education – “not work the risk, even if it’s legal” Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit in Process WHO World Health Assembly – First Opioid Overdose Mortality Prevention Panel (May 2012, Geneva) DEA/HHS Prescription Drug Take Back Days
24 THE CHANGING HEALTH CARE ENVIRONMENT Quality rather than quantity Integration rather than silo’d care – parity Prevention and wellness rather than illness Access to coverage and care rather than significant parts of America uninsured – parity Recovery rather than chronicity or disability Cost controls through better care
25 SAMHSA’S FOCUS – 2012 & 2013 Uniform Block Grant Application Essential Benefits & Qualified Health Plans Enrollment Provider capacity development Quality and Data (including HIT) Parity – Implementation & Communication Workforce Continuing Work with Medicaid (health homes, rules/regs, good & modern services, screening, prevention), and PBHCI
26 IN 2014: MILLIONS MORE AMERICANS WILL HAVE HEALTH CARE COVERAGE Currently, 37.9 million are uninsured <400% FPL* 18.0 M – Medicaid expansion eligible 19.9 M – ACA exchange eligible** M (29%) – Have BH condition(s) * Source: 2010 NSDUH ** Eligible for premium tax credits and not eligible for Medicaid
27 Prevalence of Behavioral Conditions Among Medicaid Expansion Pop CI = Confidence Interval Sources: 2008 – 2010 National Survey of Drug Use and Health 2010 American Community Survey
28 Prevalence of Behavioral Conditions Among Exchange Population
29 UNINSURED WITH SUD – MEDICAID EXPANSION POPULATION (<138% FPL) Male73% Age % Race/Ethnicity Non-Hispanic White 51% Non-Hispanic Black18% Non-Hispanic Other3% Hispanic28% EDUCATION < High School43% High School Graduate32% College 25% Population Density CBSA: 1 Million + 47% CBSA: < 1 Million32% Non-CBSA20% Overall Health Excellent 13% Very Good28% Good36% Fair/Poor23% CBSA: Core Based Statistical Area Typical person with SUD in Medicaid expansion population is: Male years old White or Hispanic HS education or less Living in a metropolitan area Rating his health as good/very good
30 UNINSURED WITH SUD – AFFORDABLE EXCHANGE POPULATION ( % FPL) Male73% Age % Race/Ethnicity Non-Hispanic White 60% Non-Hispanic Black12% Non-Hispanic Other4% Hispanic23% EDUCATION < High School24% High School Graduate40% College 36% Population Density CBSA: 1 Million + 56% CBSA: < 1 Million28% Non-CBSA15% Overall Health Excellent 15% Very Good40% Good31% Fair/Poor13% CBSA: Core Based Statistical Area Typical person with SUD in exchange population is: Male years old (more) White (more White) or Hispanic HS education or less (more educated) Living in a metropolitan area (more) Rating his health as good/very good (More 18-34, white, educated, urban, better health) 30
31 ESSENTIAL BENEFITS – 10 SERVICE AREAS 1.Ambulatory patient services 2.Emergency services 3.Hospitalization 4.Maternity and newborn care 5.Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment 6.Prescription drugs 7.Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices 8.Laboratory services 9.Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management 10.Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
32 DEFINING ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS Encompass 10 Categories of Services & Reflect Balance Among Categories Reflect Typical Employer Health Benefit Plans Account For Diverse Health Needs Across Many Populations Ensure No Incentives for Coverage Decisions, Cost Sharing or Reimbursement Rates To Discriminate by Age, Disability, or Expected Length of Life Ensure Compliance with Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) and the Parity Requirements of Affordable Care Act (ACA) Provide States a Role in Defining Essential Health Benefits (Good for BH) Balance Comprehensiveness and Affordability Assure Evidence-Based Quality Services
33 BENCHMARK APPROACH -Serves as a Reference Plan – Reflecting Scope of Services and Limits Offered by a “Typical Employer Plan” in that State -States Will Be Allowed to Select a Single Benchmark: 1 of the 3 largest small group market plans 1 of the 3 largest state employee plans 1 of the 3 largest federal employee plans, or The largest HMO plan in a state
34 BENCHMARK APPROACH (cont’d) -Plans must include all 10 benefit categories regardless of what the benchmark plan covers or excludes -May supplement from other plans if category is not sufficiently covered -Regarding mental health and substance abuse services, parity applies -If a State does not select a benchmark, HHS will default to the largest plan by enrollment in the largest product in the small group market
35 *BENCHMARK APPROACH (cont’d) -HHS intends to assess the benchmark process for Periodically review and update essential health benefits: Difficulties with access due to coverage or cost Changes in medical evidence or scientific advancement Market changes Affordability of coverage
36 QUALIFIED HEALTH PLANS – NETWORK ADEQUACY Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) Offered through Affordable Health Exchanges (or Marketplaces) QHPs Must Maintain a Network of Providers Sufficient in Number & Types to Assure Services Will Be Accessible Without Unreasonable Delay Highlights MH/SUD providers Encourages QHPs to provide sufficient access to a broad range of MH/SUD services, particularly in low-income and underserved communities Must be sufficient providers to deliver!
37 CONSUMER ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE Navigator Functions Include at least one consumer-focused non-profit Maintain expertise in eligibility and enrollment and facilitate enrollment in QHPs Conduct public education activities to raise awareness about the state’s exchange Provide referrals to any applicable office of health insurance consumer assistance or health insurance ombudsman
38 SAMHSA ENROLLMENT ACTIVITIES Consumer Enrollment Assistance Subcontracts (BRSS TACS) Outreach/public education Enrollment/re-determination assistance Plan comparison and selection Grievance procedures Eligibility/enrollment communication materials Enrollment Assistance Best Practices TA – Toolkits Communication Strategy – Message Testing, Outreach to Stakeholder Groups, Webinars/Training Opportunities Data Work with ASPE and CMS
39 PROVIDERS ACCEPTING HEALTH INSURANCE PAYMENTS * Primary MH plus some SA – 85 percent Primary SA – 56 percent Other (homeless shelters and social services) – 37 percent Residential SA – 54 percent Inpatient – 95 percent Outpatient – 68 percent *Source: NSATSS
40 SOURCE OF FUNDS FOR CMHCs * State/County Indigent Funds – 43 percent Medicaid – 37 percent Private health insurance – 6 percent Self-pay – 6 percent *Source: 2011 National Council Survey
41 SAMHSA FOCUS: PROVIDERS SAMHSA Provider Training and Technical Assistance Topics for 2013 Business strategy under health reform Third-party contract negotiation Third-party billing and compliance Eligibility determinations and enrollment assistance HIT adoption to meaningful use standards Targeting high-risk providers Provider Infrastructure RFP Training and technical assistance Learning collaborative
42 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES Worker shortages More than one-half of BH workforce is over age 50 Between 70 to 90 percent of BH workforce is white Inadequately and inconsistently trained workers Education/training programs not reflecting current research base Inadequate compensation High levels of turnover Poorly defined career pathways Difficulties recruiting people to field – esp., from minority communities
43 SAMHSA’S WORKFORCE ACTIVITIES Reports and Plans (to Congress in process) Training and Technical Assistance, especially on technology transfer and evidence-based practices Manuals, publications and media resources National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health Care Workforce efforts within each of Strategic Initiatives
44 EXAMPLES OF SAMHSA’S WORKFORCE EFFORTS Regional Leadership Institutes Minority Fellowship Program Knowledge Application Programs Center for Adoption of Prevention Technology Addiction Technology Transfer Centers Medical Residency Programs TIPs, TAPs, Webinar Series, Media Materials SBIRT Medical Residency Programs Various TA Centers, Trainings
45 HRSA BH WORKFORCE ACTIVITIES 2/3 of Community Health Centers (CHCs) provide MH and 1/3 provide SA services SBIRT encouraged through training and in data reporting National Health Service Corps – 2,426 BH providers in National Health Service Corps (May 2012) Graduate Psychology Education Program – 710 trainees in , ½ in underserved areas Mental and BH Education and Training Grants FOA – 280 psychologists and social workers
46 HRSA/SAMHSA COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS Center for Integrated Health Solutions (PBHCI) Focus on bi-directional integrated care Psychiatrist training and competency-based MSW curricula National Database – thru HRSA National Center for Workforce Analysis w/ BH professional organizations Education/Training Opportunities in Historically Black Colleges & Universities w/ Morehouse School of Medicine Same Day Billing Initiative – w/ BHCC and CMS Medicare Military Culture Training for Health/BH Providers w/ AHECs
47 HRSA/SAMHSA EFFORTS June 5 Listening Session to Identify BH Workforce Needs and Possible Approaches Data Capacity Training Non-Traditional Workforce – Peers, Recovery Coaches, Case Managers, etc. Partnerships – Professional Orgs, Peer/Recovery Orgs, Community Colleges, etc.
48 SAMHSA HEALTH REFORM WEBINARS Archived webinars at SSA/SMHA series on EHB (archived) SSA/SMHA series on eligibility/enrollment (July 12 th, August 2 nd ; State staff only) Learning collaborative series on EHB (archived and forthcoming) Live limited to MD, VT, ME, CA, NY, NM, AZ, MO To register,