Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs UN/ECE/WP29 Sessions Overall Status of Recent UN/ECE/WP29 Sessions MLTM / KOTSA(KATRI) 2008. 8.


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Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs UN/ECE/WP29 Sessions Overall Status of Recent UN/ECE/WP29 Sessions MLTM / KOTSA(KATRI)

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 2 1. Summary of UN/ECE/WP th Plenary Meetings 2. General Statements 3. Highlight of the Recent Sessions 4. Reports of the 145th Plenary Meeting Contents

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 3 1. Summary of UN/ECE/WP th Plenary Meetings  Since the 30 th APEC Meeting, one WP29 plenary meetings was held in June 2008(145 th ).  145 th Plenary Meeting - Total 14 draft amendments to existing ECE regulations were adopted - One GTR (ESC : Electronic Stability Control) was adopted as the 8 th GTR

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 4 2. General Statements  Held 145 th session from 11 to 14 June 2008  36 countries, including Australia; Canada; Japan; People’s Republic of China; Korea; Indonesia; India; US and other countries from APEC region and European Community (EC)  and 10+ Non-governmental organizations, including OICA and IMMA, took part in the WP29 plenary meetings ATTENDANCE General Statements  Ms. E. Molnar, Director of the UNECE Transport Division, informed the World Forum about the results of the first International Transport Forum (ITF) on "Transport and Energy  ITF had urged the World Forum to accelerate the work to develop common methodologies, test cycles and measurement methods for reducing vehicle emissions, including CO 2 emissions

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 5 Highlight of the Recent Sessions 3. Highlight of the Recent Sessions(1)  GRSG (94th General Safety, April 2008) - Proposal for a reduction from 75 per cent o 70 per cent of the lower limit of the regular light transmittance of a windscreen, specified in Regulation No. 43, is considered to vote in the November 2008 session - With regard to the increased fire risk of heavy-duty vehicles, GRSG will continue to work on the detection of fires and on provisions for electric wires and fuses on buses, while GRRF will be focusing on Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) - Considered a proposal for clarification of the definitions of classes of vehicles due to request from GRSP to review the scope of Regulations of Nos. 14, 16 and 17, regarding the fitting of safety belts into buses and coaches. - decide to discontinue the work of the informal group on Event Data Recorder (EDR) until new data would be available - Agreed to initiate the amendment of the Regulation 43(Safety Glazing) in order to align it with the provisions of newly adopted GTR No.6

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 6 Highlight of the Recent Sessions  GRSP (43 th Passive Safety, May 2008) - Japan proposed active participation in the Informal Working Group on Head Restraints GTR phase 2 as it has been adopted GTR NO.7 in the last plenary meeting - Once Pedestrian Safety GTR is established, Phase II Development of flexible legform impactor technical evaluation group (FLEX-TEG) will be continued under the chairmanship of Japan - With regard to the development of HFCV GTR, Phase I development of GTR, storage systems for compressed gas and for liquid hydrogen, vehicle fuel system integrity and electric safety, will be conducted through activities from SGS and ELSA - Held a informal group meeting to amend Regulation No. 94 (Frontal impact) by changing the type of deformable barrier element and revising the testing procedures and decided to update it by 2010 based on technical justification including cost-benefit analysis. 3. Highlight of the Recent Sessions(2)

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 7  GRPE (56 th Pollution and Energy 3-6 June 2008) - Informal group in charge of developing a GTR on Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP) will preparing a roadmap by 2009 as it is related to prevent global warming. - Reported progress of work of Off-cycle emission, heavy-duty emission certification and fuel quality (WHDC) Highlight of the Recent Sessions  GRE (59 th Lighting and Light-Signalling, 31 March-4 April 2008) - Awaiting sponsors for developing new GTR regarding new headlamp beam combinations, new front fog-lamps, LED headlamps, installation of lighting and light signalling devices on motorcycles, adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS) etc - Automatic activation of headlamp at engine start in motorcycle is submitted to WP29 for consideration at the November to considered to vote in the November 2008 session 3. Highlight of the Recent Sessions (3)

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Agreement 4. Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (1)  Vote of draft amendments to existing regulations  Total 14 draft amendments were submitted to AC.1 for vote  All 14 draft amendments were adopted. - 4/4 for GRE, 3/3 for GRSP, 4/4 for GRRF, 2/2 for GRPE, 2/2 for GRB  GRE - R48: Noted the new expected date of entry into force of the 04 series with regard to the headlamp and corrected description of “Amber” - R65: Not prohibiting use of other than red light for special warning lamp in accordance with CP’s nation law  R123 : LED module can be used in AFS along with filament and gas discharge light source

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 9 4. Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (2)  GRSP - R14 (Safety belt anchorage): a maximum load application time of ISOFIX test changed from 2 sec to 30 sec - R16 (Safety belt) : Clarify accelerated test condition with hatched area for safety belt test and add tolerance for test load (980 daN +100daN)  GRRF - R13 (Heavy vehicles braking): Apply ISO 11992:2003 with regard to the support message compatibility such as lightning system or warning between towing vehicle and trailer - R78 (Motorcycle braking) : New PBC (Peak braking coefficient) using motorcycle’s braking power - R106 (Tyres for agricultural vehicles) : Add “kpa” for pressure unit along with “bar” and clarify test speed from rpm to km/h

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (3)  GRPE - R83 (Emission of M1 and N1 vehicles): # Add PMP (Particle Measurement Program), which is measuring number of particles, method to measure particulate matter(PM) emitted from passenger vehicle # relieve OBD regulation for bi-fuel system (petrol +LNG/LPG)  GRB - Correct test condition of R41 (noise of motorcycle) and approval requirement of R117 (Type rolling noise and wet grip adhesion) to prevent confusion in applying the regulation

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 11  Consideration and Vote of draft GTRs :  Vote for draft GTR on Pedestrian Safety was postponed to the Nov  One draft GTR, Electronic Safety Control (ESC), was adopted by consensus of Contracting Parties present  The proposed Amendment regarding PBC(Peak braking coefficient) measurement to GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle braking) was established 4. Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (4) 1998 Agreement  Status of the Agreement  New accession of Australia to the 1998 Agreement  Now 31 contracting parties to the 1998 Agreement

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (5)  Progress in the Development of New or Amended GTRs  Head Restraints (GTR No.7) - Japan introduced a proposal for the development of phase 2 of gtr No. 7 with regard to head restraint height and dynamic test condition - AC.3 agreed to defer consideration of the proposal to the next session  HFCV - Germany informed AC.3 about the work progress of the GRSP subgroup on safety issues (SGS). - Basic structure of phase 1 of the gtr includes storage systems for compressed gas and for liquid hydrogen, vehicle fuel system integrity and electric safety. - Environmental related items would not be included in phase 1, due to the little progress made on this area.  Tyre - France reported that the two major pending issues were the scope of the GTR and the markings, and a draft GTR would be submit to AC.3 at the November 2008 session  Other progress of work such as GTR No.1(Door locks and door detentions), No.2(WMTC), NO.4(WHDC), off-cycle emissions, non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) were discussed

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (6)  Exchange of Views  Side Impact - USA informed GRSP about the research program regarding child protection in the event of side impact  Passenger Vehicle Brakes - No. 13-H and FMVSS 135 have considerably progressed toward harmonization, and report will be submitted at the November 2008 session.  Worldwide harmonized light-vehicle test procedures (WLTP) - GRPE Chairman informed AC.3 about the results of the first meeting of the informal group and announced the informal group's intention to anticipate the completion of the road map in  Other items such as ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), Noise Emissions, Controls and Displays, etc.

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Reports of the 145 th Plenary Meeting (7)  Fiftieth Anniversary of The 1958 Agreement - The Chairman of WP29,Mr. B. Gauvin (France) opened the session for the commemoration of the 1958 Agreement and welcomed all participants. - The UNECE Chairman, Mr. A. van Meeuween, gave presentations on the history and the development of the Agreement as well as on its former, current and the future roles and challenges. - The Director of the Transport Division underlined the success and the role of the World Forum as a unique platform to develop global solutions for global issues. - Japan India, South Africa, China introduced their harmonization activities and expectation for WP29

Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 15 Thank you very much ! !