TC SCP REQ STATUS REPORT TO PLENARY #63 Davide Pratone, Chairman, Telecom Italia SCP(14)000121
2 Meetings Since Last TC SCP Plenary SCP REQ#46 bis Conference Call 07, 17 and 31 March 2014 SCP REQ#47 Hosted by Morpho March 2014 Bremen, Germany Accepted agenda is available in SCPREQ(14)000061
Discussions, hot topics Multiple or Single set of Profile Management Credential The topic has been discussed deeply in order to define all the options we have today on the field. No agreement has been reached on the options and advice from Plenary has been requested. Profile Interoperability There is a proposal on the field which is trying to reach a compromise, but it has not been finalized. The group agreed to work on this proposal. The direct contribution presented in SCP #62 and sent to REQ has not been accepted by REQ, but its content has been included in the compromise proposal. No agreement has been reached on the compromise proposal and advice from Plenary has been requested. © ETSI All rights reserved 3
Results achieved by the WG REQ during REQ#46bis and REQ#47 13 CRs to be presented for acceptance to SCP#63 60 Documents discussed related to the 3 open work items Main topic for discussion is still eUICC 11 CRs on the eUICC requirements has been accepted 1 CR on the contactless topic has been accepted 1 CR on the UICC Access Optimizations has been accepted 1 new Work Item has been accepted 4
Status of SCP REQ WIs after SCP REQ#47 5 REL-12 Use cases and requirements related to Embedded UICCs 11 CRs accepted Target: SCP#64 Use cases and requirements related to the addition of new contactless features 1 CR accepted Target: SCP#63 UICC Access Optimizations 1 CR accepted Target: SCP#63
Embedded UICC WI Policy Control: A new set of credential has been introduced in order to allowed the Policy Rules management outside the Profile. No agreement on the Policy Rules definition. Where to store a Policy Rule (inside or outside a Profile) will be defined in REQ and not in TEC, as the rule may have some implication in the rule definition. Definitions: A CR (SCPREQ(14)000042r1) has been accepted to align the naming between REQ and TEC. Management of credentials: Action R45/01 has been discarded because Orange and Samsung was not able to prepare a joint contribution. Companies interested can provide contributions as usual. © ETSI All rights reserved 6
Addition of contactless features WI 1 CR accepted in document SCPREQ(14)000066r1 This CR should address the main ETSI SCP requirements in the context of the Multiple Secure Element Management. 7
UICC access optimisation WI 1 CR accepted in document SCPREQ(13)000103r5 8
Output Documents – TSs None 9
Output Documents – TRs None 10
Output Documents - CRs 11 CRs against TS SCP(14) > SCP(14) CRs against TS SCP(14) and SCP(14) CRs has been sent to REQ by SCP#62: SCP(14)000069: it has been revised and accepted by REQ in document SCPREQ(14)000066r1 and is presented to SCP #63 in document SCP(14) SCP(14)000073: it has been discussed in REQ and 3 companies were against this CR. 11
Output Documents – WIDs A new work item “Mechanism for monitoring the number of updates to some UICC files” has been accepted in document SCPREQ(14)000046r2/SCP(14)
Output Documents – LS SCPREQ(13)000064/SCP(14) DRAFT Reply LS on Naming of off-card entities of the eUICC 13
Request for advice from Plenary Management of profiles: Two different proposals related to the Profile Interoperability have been discussed: SCPREQ(14)000058r2 SCP REQ SCP(14) Deutsche Telekom AG, Apple France, AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL, HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.,Ericsson, Illuminismo Limited, INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES, NOKIA UK Ltd, OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES, QUALCOMM UK Ltd, Samsung R&D In The first one was originally ( SCPREQ(14)000058r1 ) proposed by Giesecke & Devrient, Gemalto, Morpho, Oberthur and Valid. The meeting worked on this proposal in order to try to reach consensus and produced SCPREQ(14)000058r2. There are still some concerns on the current wording of the requirements. Requirement proposed in SCP(14) has been included in SCPREQ(14)000058r2. Apple and Deutsche Telekom are not in the position to accept the proposal as it is now. The second one (SCP(14)000073) is the companies contribution presented during last Plenary and sent to REQ. No agreement has been reached on this CR and Valid, Gemalto, Morpho declared to be against this CR. 14
Request for advice from Plenary Management of credentials: Several proposals to introduce the possibility to have more than one set of Profile Management Credentials. Several companies and also the Chairman asked to add use cases to the content of the CR and not only in the Reason for Change. The proposals have been categorized in a table and the Chairman asked a show of hands to understand the support of each option. 15
Request for advice from Plenary Management of credentials: 16 OPTION 1: One PMC for all Profile Management operations (7 supporting companies) Gemalto, Telenor, Orange, Telecom Italia, AT&T, Bouygues Telecom, VALID OPTION 2: SCPREQ(14)000047r1 One PMC for transport and one PMC for all other Profile Management operations. (i.e. functional split) (12 supporting companies) Qualcomm, LG, Sprint, Huawei, Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, AT&T, Telia Sonera, Giesecke & Devrient, Apple, Bouygues Telecom, Samsung OPTION 3: (SCPREQ(14)000047r1 with SCPREQ(14)000048r1) SCPREQ(14) Multiple PMCs for transport and one PMC for all other Profile Management operations. (7 supporting companies) Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, Apple, Giesecke & Devrient, Qualcomm, Huawei, Samsung OPTION 4: Multiple PMCs, each enabling overlapping subsets of Profile Management operations (5 supporting companies) Morpho Cards, Qualcomm, Samsung, Deutsche Telekom, Apple OPTION 5: SCPREQ(14)000114r1 Multiple PMCs allow for all Profile Management operations but only one set is usable at a given point in time. (e.g. PMC associated to a Profile and only usable in relation to this Profile) (2 supporting companies) Qualcomm, Huawei,
Next Steps / Milestones To progress WI for Embedded UICC Use Cases and Requirements Should target in priority the points identified by editors notes Should introduce the missing features To progress WI on UICC access optimization Requirements have been defined To progress WI on addition of contactless features Requirements have been defined Continuous collaboration with NFC Forum and GlobalPlatform 17
Meeting Schedule TC SCP REQ SCP REQ#48 23 – 25 June 2014, Kansas City US SCP REQ#49 25 – 27 August 2014, Venice IT SCP REQ#50 01 – 03 December 2014, TBD 18