STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Sub-project Stra.S.S.E. STEERING COMMITTEE May 16th – 17th 2006 OLOMOUC – HRANICKO – CZ
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano PARTICIPATION IN SUSTAINABLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Guidelines on methods and tools index first draft final version by Fabiola De Toffol, Corciano’s external consultant in Stra.S.S.E. Work in progress: surveying regional and local plans/instruments which refer to participatory processes December 2005 – April 2006
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano Individuation of the local area in which the spatial planning activities and the participatory process will be applied. Corciano has already defined a strategic vision for its territory: it’s the Strategic Plan Perugia-Europe , which Corciano refers to. According to the plan, Corciano is involved in restoring an old industrial area in order to change the utilization of the land for new residential, social and commercial activities. The municipalities participating to Strategic Plan have similar needs and similar areas to transform, so they may be involved in the participatory process. December 2005 – February 2006
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano Corciano defined different operative levels to apply Stra.S.S.E. methodologies STRATEGIC level The reference is to the Strategic Plan Area, that includes the regional chief town Perugia and six other municipalities. It represents the central part of Umbria Region. The 7 municipalities shared and signed a Strategic Plan made of actions, projects, targets. This is the context which Corciano moves in. The main “actors” in this area are the ones to be involved in participatory process activities. CRITERIA Used in selecting the Area ( 1 )
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano OPERATIVE level Focus on the project for the requalification of the old disused industrial area named “Ex-Ellesse” The project answers to the targets of the “strategic line” n. 4 on the Strategic Plan Perugia – Eu: i.e. “carrying out innovative urban policies and revitalizing historical centres”. It’s one of the most important projects in this line, not only for Corciano but for the whole area. It’s one of the biggest disused industrial sites in Umbria The area is located in a strategic position: inside a deeply urbanized area, between the villages of Ellera and San Mariano. It’s just along the main road connecting Perugia with the Trasimeno Lake on one side, and Perugia, the airport and Assisi on the other side. CRITERIA Used in selecting Area ( 2 )
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano December 2005 – April 2006 Collecting socio-economic data for the project area (strategic plan PG-Eu area and municipal area) Collecting maps and basic geo-data at different levels: - regional area - Strategic plan PG-EU area - Municipal territory - Industrial site chosen
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano INFO-DAY in Corciano on February, 16th 2006 Focus on: the efficiency in land using the presentation of Stra.S.S.E. contents the application of Stra.S.S.E. in Corciano and in the Strategic Plan Area the rationale for the participatory process within Innoref and Stra.S.S.E.
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano … WORK IN PROGRESS 1.Selecting methods and tools able to manage the participatory process for Corciano 2.Individuation of the stakeholders for the participatory process – individuation of the local pioneer network 3.Organization of the 1st meeting with the stakeholders to share a work-plan 4.Organization of a Regional workshop: foreseen on June 2006
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano Expected OPERATIVE RESULTS for the INSTITUTIONAL ACTORS Sharing requalification strategies for industrial disused areas in Corciano with the stakeholders Identifying the contributions that the stakeholders could give to achieve the targets Defining the contents for the draft urbanistic program (according to art. 28 Regional Law Umbria 11/2005 – Law on land government)
STRAtegic Spatial planning and Sustainable Environment Comunità Montata del Torre, Natisone e Collio Università di Olomuc Dipartimento di Geoinformatica Stra.S.S.E. ACTIVITIES in Corciano Expected OPERATIVE RESULTS for the STAKEHOLDERS Expressing their “vision” and participating at administration’s land use choises Contributing to start up partnership nets which could transform adhesions and agreements into commitments