Status of implementation of the Ronald Vargas and Ines Beernaerts Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Samarkand, Uzbekistan - 10 September 2014
CHALLENGES AHEAD +60% Global food production and also ecosystem services…….. Population growth Further Pressure on for Over 9 billion by 2050
GSP Endorsement, Vision and Structure the improvement of the global governance of the limited soil resources of the planet The Vision of the GSP is the improvement of the global governance of the limited soil resources of the planet in order to guarantee healthy and productive soils for a food secure world. GSP was endorsed by FAO members during 23th COAG session and 145 FAO Council session. The mission: Develop capacities, build on best available science and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and technologies amongst stakeholders for sustainable management of soil resources at all levels.
Structure of the GSP Partners GLOBAL SOIL PARTNERSHIP Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils GSP Secretariat Composed of Guided/Advised by Facilitated by Through Regional Soil Partnerships Plenary Assembly
GSP Pillars of Action 1.Promote sustainable management of soil resources and improved global governance for soil protection, conservation and sustainable productivity; 2.Encourage investment, technical cooperation, policy, education, awareness and extension in soils; 3.Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps, priorities and synergies among economic/productive, environmental and social dimensions; 4.Enhance the quality and availability of soil data and information: collection, analysis, validation, reporting, monitoring, integration with other disciplines; 5.Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources.
Progress to date
SECOND ITPS SESSION (7-11 April 2014) Development of a Soils Brief (including proposed target and indicator) as contribution to the “Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 process”. Agreed ToC and process for the production of the first version of the new “Report on Status of World Soil Resources (RWSR)”, to be issued in 2015; Endorsement of the draft version of the World Soil Chapter (adopted in 1981 by FAO Conference). Endorsement of the Pillars 1, 2, and 5 Plans of Action.
SECOND GSP PLENARY ASSEMBLY Approval of the Nomination procedure of Focal Points by Governments to the GSP (Secretariat to send request to governments soon). Acknowledgment of the work of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (work on soils and the SDGs, preparation of the Status of World Soil Resources Report, review of the Plans of Action, etc). Endorsement of the Healthy Soils Facility (tool for mobilizing resources to support the implementation of Implementation Plans). Endorsement of Plans of Action for Pillars 1, 2, 4 and 5. The Plenary urged for development of Implementation Plans at regional level and further implementation of actions. Endorsement of the updated World Soil Charter (submitted to COAG and if endorsed, to FAO Council and Conference). Endorsement of the Guidelines for Regional Soil Partnerships. Endorsement of the Plan of Action for the International Year of Soils. Endorsement of the plans for the celebration of World Soil Day 2014 and 2015.
The Plenary Assembly of GSP on 13 June 2013 requested establishment of a financial facility under FAO's rules for financial allocations to approved activities and projects in a transparent manner; The GSP Secretariat took due action and established in March 2014 the Healthy Soil Trust Fund Facility and Multi-Partner Platform; Budget : USD64 mil Period: 5 years
STATUS OF WORLD SOIL RESOURCES REPORT This will constitute the core product of the ITPS and will be produced in a regular basis (every 3- 5 years) using the outputs to be generated by the implementation of the Plans of Action (for example SoilSTAT). First version to be prepared by ITPS and invited soil scientists from all regions in the world. Regional chapters on the status of soil resources in the regions will be an added value of this report. RSP are invited to discuss on how to produce this regional chapter. It will be launched on 5 th December 2015 as the main product of IYS.
THE WORLD SOIL CHARTER The 21 st Session of the FAO Conference (November 1981), adopted the World Soil Charter considering concerns that 20% of the land’s productive capacity in developing countries was going to be affected if no actions were taken. The revised Charter establishes a set of principles for the optimum use of world’s soil resources, for the improvement of their productivity, and for their conservation for future generations.
WORLD SOIL DAY CELEBRATIONS 2014: Soils, a foundation for family farming 2015: Soils, a solid ground for life
International Year of Soils 2015 “Healthy soils for a healthy life”
Way forward of Plans of Action Organization of International workshops Establishment of global Working Groups Preparation of Draft Plans of Action Review and endorsement by ITPS Endorsement by Plenary Assembly Implementation Plans’ Implementation of PoAs through ‘Implementation Plans’ at Regional levels This is our task today!
EuroAsian Soil Partnership Launched in November 2013 in Moscow, Russian Federation, as part of a Eurasian Conference on Food Security, with issuance of the ‘Moscow communique’. Various e-consultations about the issues related to soil management in the region. Efforts mobilized for working towards the EASP Implementation Plan, including Plenary meeting and Steering Committee meeting. Moscow, Russia 19 November 2013
Our expectations The main objectives of this plenary meeting are: To introduce the endorsed GSP Plans of Action for each of the five pillars, discuss and agree on the regional priorities and identify the expected changes to be supported by EASP; To agree on the process for finalizing the formulation of the Implementation Plan and starting implementation ( including potential funding). The main objectives of the steering committee are: To formalize the partnership by nominating members of the Steering Committee and their functions, agree on ToRs and establishing working groups for GSP pillars; To agree on the expected outputs for each of the five pillars and start discussing about specific activities (e.g. celebration of World Soil Day and the International Year of Soils 2015).
For more information, please contact: Ronald Vargas, FAO Headquarters Ines Beernaerts, FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia