Supporting pupils with SEN Children learn far more effectively when they are actively involved, especially if they feel that their own questions have guided the lesson.
Increasing confidence and motivation through: Spider diagrams- Using ‘Inspirations’ to make links. Concept cartoons or photos to gauge understanding. Effective open questionning. Steps cards to ensure understanding. Thinking Wheel. ‘Let me do it!’ –Experiments –ICT – Task Magic. –Interactive displays. Alternative plenary activities. Pupil portfolio of excellent work eg. photographs of displays.
Smoking is bad for you. More smokers than non- smokers die of heart disease. Cigarettes make your breath smell. Cigarettes contain nicotine. Smoking can make you feel relaxed. The Government taxes cigarettes and makes them expensive. A significant proportion of people who smoke develop lung cancer. Women who smoke have a greater chance of having low birth-weight babies. Increasing numbers of young people are beginning to take up smoking. Smoking is banned from many public places such as restaurants and offices. Nicotine is addictive Many people who smoke develop bronchitis Photographs show that sticky tar forms in the lungs of smokers
I think that the water from the air around the jar has condensed on the jar. The melted water has diffused through the jar. The water vapour from the air has condensed on the jar Put ice in a beaker and touch the outside of beaker after one minute.
Bungee investigation. What happens when they jump? Discuss in pairs.
Thought shower
Use the ‘Thinking Wheel.
Confirming understanding using STEPS cards.
More reasons for using concept cartoons Very effective way of finding out the children’s ideas. Stimulating way of revising previous work. Excellent stimulus for discussion.
Other reasons for using concept cartoons Analysing a Concept Cartoon for homework task to lead into next lesson. Promotes family learning. Reinforces the idea that science is about everyday things.
Concept Photos
Be aware of ‘Procedural demands Vs. Conceptual demands. B A D C Increasing procedural demand Increasing conceptual demand Slide 1.8 The demand of an enquiry
Plenaries Plenary Cards Plenary Talk Placemats
Useful links AstraZeneca