2014 Institutional changes Ursula Pachl / Johannes Kleis General Assembly Brussels November 2013
I) Europeanisation of the 2014 elections. Some facts and figures: 8 th direct EP elections. Election Day: between 22 and 25 May Moved from June to May due to election of new Commission President.
The precise day of elections is set by MS - in some cases, this has yet to be done formally for The official election result: after poll closes in last MS on Sunday 25 May (Source of the infograph: European Parliament)
Main innovation - Lisbon Treaty: the EP elects the EC President. On the basis of a proposal from the European Council. Taking into account the elections to the EP (Article 17(7) TEU). This will apply for the first time for the 2014 elections.
This means: Winning party’s candidate will be put forward by the European Council. EP elects this candidate by a majority of MEPs. BUT: the reality may look different: coalitions ? / compromise candidates etc.
March 2013 Commission recommendation: European political parties should make known their candidate for the Commission presidency. National parties should make known their affiliation to European political parties. Election broadcasts should feature the candidate that party is backing for the Commission presidency.
New European Parliament Number of MEPs Current EP: 766 MEPs ( for Croatia which joined in 2013). After the 2014 elections: reduced to 751 MEPs (Article 14(2) TEU). First plenary will take place in the first week of July 2014
Composition of the new EP “Anti-European” parties expected to gain 50 – 150 MEPs. High turn-over rate of MEPs expected: only 1/3 MEPS likely to stay.
II) European Commission 28 new Commissioners and their cabinets. President of the Commission will be nominated by the Council, then elected by EP Re-structuring of General Directorates? How will consumer protection policy and - law be structured ? ( now split between DG SANCO and DG JUST)
Institutional timeline in 2014 source of infograph: Burson Marsteller
Key points in timeline May: European Parliament elections XX June: new MEPS meet June: European Council nominates Commission President July: First Plenary Session July: Plenary session -> election of Commission President August: Commission President selects team with national leaders 22 September to 01 October: EP hearings of Commissioners designate October: EP Plenary session – approval of new European Commission 01 November: European Commisison takes office 01 December: New President of the European Council takes office
Election manifesto: Timeline December 2012: Communications expert meeting January 2013: Application EC grant May 2013: Decision EC & discussion executive on approach July/August 2013: Member survey key issues September 2013: Executive meeting & discussion approach October 2013: Information to executive about topics & structure
Election manifesto: Structure 1.Consumer policy in Europe – setting the scene – Short analysis past 5 years – BEUC Vision: Single Market = partial reality 2.Consumer priorities for EP legislature – 4 priorities with focus on flagship campaigns – Financial services: Deliver products & services consumers really need – Consumer rights: Consumers deserve durable goods – Digital rights: Online discrimination – Food: Trust your meat 3.TTIP – Our yardstick, Transparency, Investor-State 4.Sustainability 5.Where should the consumer stand in 2019
4/27/ Election manifesto: Actions Text to members => begin December Publication by BEUC => March Presentation to key MEP => March – May EP election debate => before or after elections Bug push to new MEPS => July