2 Established in Cape Verde in 2012 Our mission is to “build enterprises and nurture innovation in Africa” Our vision is “transforming Africa” Our approach is to incubate creative ideas into businesses, support innovators, and build innovation friendly environment in Africa
3 238CV – tourism portal Online tourism market place for Cape Verde Bonako – digital games Digital games inspired by African themes & folktales Renewable Energy – Biofuels Large scale biofuel farms and processing Seed Africa – venture financing Innovation Dialogues Startup Acelerator Seed Africa Fund
4 We aim to contribute to building innovation friendly environment in Africa and for this we will promote strategic dialogues on innovation –Policy research –Evidence based decision making –Multi –s takeholder dialogues Web site & Blog Summits –Action plans and advocacy Seed Africa – venture financing
5 The pace of change gets faster and faster –Science and technological (S&T) innovations –Societal change S&T capabilities and innovations are critical for socioeconomic transformation and development Africa in most metrics of S&T and Innovations is far behind the other continents Yet Africa is changing and some “innovations hubs” are emerging What can be learned from these experiences and how can the experiences be shared Why?
6 Our first major event is today’s launch of –Website –Online blog — Innovation Talk –Africa Innovation Summit (AIS) Cabo Verde 2013 The first Africa Innovation Summit (AIS ) Cabo Verde 2013 will take place on 10 – 12 June 2013, at the National Assembly, Praia, Cabo Verde AIS Cabo Verde 2013 will be organized in collaboration with the Government of Cape Verde (several agencies & ministries) and national and international partners Ihaba is launching an ongoing dialogue on Innovation
7 What do we aim to achieve with AIS – Cabo Verde 2013 Summit to showcase Emerging African hubs of innovations Innovations which are taking place on the continent The leading innovators – people and organizations Platform to explore How best to promote innovation in Africa Share experiences and facilitate cross-country learning Facilitate change through An African multi–stakeholder network for innovation An Action Plan to resolve core constraints Promote robust policies
8 What do we aim to achieve with AIS – Cabo Verde 2013 This first summit has a special focus, the Ecosystem of Emerging Innovation Hubs in Africa. The idea is to provide a platform to explore, showcase and to discuss the innovations which are taking place in African countries. We will like to use the Summit to explore the emerging hubs like Kenya (mobile payment), Cape Verde (e-governance), Nigeria (Nollywood films), etc and to share experiences between African countries, learn from these experiences, and seek solutions to challenges facing these hubs. We also intend to use the Summit to explore how these innovations can become a source of economic growth and socioeconomic transformation in Africa. We intend to have important stakeholders including founders of early stage firms and venture capital companies at the Summit to explore how to address major challenges such as financing for starts up in Africa. We will also use the Summit to showcase innovations taking place on the continent. We plan to provide a facility for exhibitors and facilitate the participation of some innovative early stage firms. Additionally, we will use the Summit to define an Africa-wide agenda for innovation and to promote cross country collaborations.
9 AIS – Cabo Verde 2013 is not a one time event; activities will take place before, during and after Special edition of the African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development on “How can African countries build innovation driven economies” Website – an information repository Blog – a monthly dialogue on special theme or strategic question Special discussions & debates (webstream & TV) Before Summit presentations and dialogues Exhibits Special projects: Seed Africa Fund, Start Up Accelerator Strategic agenda/Action plan During Case Study Book on Emerging African hubs of innovation – December 2013 Website & Blog Dissemination & Advocacy Plan the next AIS Implementation of Seed Africa and Start Up Accelerator After
10 AIS Profile Participants Approximately 200 participants from at least 25 African countries & Diaspora, the majority from outside the host country Institutions working on facilitating innovations Government: Ministers and other high level officials Firms: CEOs of companies, including start-ups Finance: Partners of venture capital and private equity; Bankers, capital market operators Research & Education: Academics & researchers, policy experts, scientists, and engineers Individuals: Business angels, high net worth individuals, innovators, and entrepreneurs Networking Organization of meetings for networking Special networking zones Coffee breaks which allow informal meetings
11 AIS Profile Content Hubs: The Ecosystems of Africa’s Emerging Innovation Hubs Policy: Policies to Promote Innovation; Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs and Innovation Finance: Financing Innovation Education: Educational Systems & Innovation Organization Plenary sessions Simultaneous Workshops Special Content Ideas lab & fundraising Exhibit
12 AIS Profile Patron H.E. President Pedro Pires, former President of Cabo Verde and 2011 Mo Ibrahim Laureate: to help promote the AIS and mobilize support for the AIS Advisory Committee Consists of 20 world renowned experts on innovation and African development issues Advise the organizing committee Provide suggestions to ensure quality & action oriented summit Mobilize Support for the AIS Program & Scientific Committee Consists of 10 resource persons Support the development of content & program for AIS 2013 Support the selection of speakers and design of special programs
13 Agenda: AIS – Cabo Verde 2013 Monday (10)Plenary Session: The Ecosystems of Africa’s Emerging Innovation Hubs Simultaneous Workshops: Africa’s Emerging Innovation Hubs Visit Exhibits Plenary: Innovation Policies Welcome Reception Tuesday (11)Plenary: Financing Innovation Simultaneous Workshops & Seminars Plenary: Innovation & Entrepreneurship Simultaneous Workshops & Seminars Cultural Night & Dinner Wednesday (12)Plenary: Education & Innovation Simultaneous Workshops & Seminars Launch: SeedAfrica Fund Closing cocktail
14 Plenary & Workshop Organize the infrastructure, logistics & technical needs Webstreaming Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment and technical needs Interpreters : English, Portuguese and French Registration & Meeting Point Establish and finance an online system for registration and organizing meetings Organize the infrastructure and logistics of meetings Business Center Organize and finance the infrastructure of a space with WiFi, computers and printers for the use of participants Exhibit Center Finance the infrastructure of about 20 stands for exhibits and production of the exhibits Visits Program Organize visits to historic Cidade Velha or institutions of interest to participants NOSI, Casa do Cidadão, Bolsa das Valores, etc Organize registration & transportation Entrepreneurs & Researchers Program Fund the participation of researchers, policy experts, young technology entrepreneurs and innovators Case Studies Book Project Honorarium, review meeting, editors meeting, publication, dissemination Sponsored Components
15 Sponsored Social Events Welcome Reception Cocktail for all participants on Monday night Montage, decoration, transportation, and entertainment Cultural Night & Dinner Sit-down dinner for all participants on Tuesday night Montage, decoration, transportation, and entertainment Coffee Breaks & Lunches Two coffees per day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Daily Lunch for delegates Closing Cocktail Cocktail for all participants on Wednesday night
16 The Government of Cape Verde through its Agency for the Development of Enterprise and Innovation (ADEI), and the Ministry of High Education, Science and Innovation is our initial partner and sponsor Assembleia Nacional The Information Society Agency (NOSI) is our technology partner We are seeking international partnerships – with AfDB, NEPAD/AU, LuxDev and others Partners and Sponsors Assembleia Nacional
17 AIS is not business as usual It is neither a “talk shop” nor the usual conference or summit on innovation It recognizes the importance of governments (Government matters) It aims to build a platform for ongoing multi– stakeholder dialogues It aims to engage the public at large and build a constituency for innovation It aims to build a strategic agenda and promote actions