Current Conservation Issues in DoD L. Peter Boice OSD Conservation Team Leader Presented to NMFWA, Dallas TX March 2002
Overview Encroachment Encroachment Partnerships Partnerships DoD Conservation Conference DoD Conservation Conference INRMP Issues INRMP Issues Historic Preservation Issues Historic Preservation Issues T&E Species T&E Species Migratory Bird Issues Migratory Bird Issues Funding Issues Funding Issues New Conservation Metrics New Conservation Metrics Other Issues Other Issues
Encroachment Issues Urban Growth Urban Growth Maritime Restrictions Maritime Restrictions Endangered Species Endangered Species Airspace Restrictions Airspace Restrictions Airborne Noise Airborne Noise Air Quality Air Quality Unexploded Ordnance and Munitions Unexploded Ordnance and Munitions Radio Frequency Radio Frequency
DoD Responses to Encroachment Leadership & Organization Leadership & Organization Policy & Plans Policy & Plans Programs & Funding Programs & Funding Outreach Outreach Legislation & Regulation Legislation & Regulation
DoD Responses to Encroachment Leadership & Organization Leadership & Organization Policy & Plans Policy & Plans Programs & Funding Programs & Funding Outreach Outreach Legislation & Regulation Legislation & Regulation
DoD Responses to Encroachment Leadership & Organization Leadership & Organization Policy & Plans Policy & Plans Programs & Funding Programs & Funding Outreach Outreach Legislation & Regulation Legislation & Regulation
DoD Responses to Encroachment Leadership & Organization Leadership & Organization Policy & Plans Policy & Plans Programs & Funding Programs & Funding Outreach Outreach Legislation & Regulation Legislation & Regulation
DoD Responses to Encroachment Leadership & Organization Leadership & Organization Policy & Plans Policy & Plans Programs & Funding Programs & Funding Outreach Outreach Legislation & Regulation Legislation & Regulation
How Partnerships Benefit DoD Improve understanding of DoD mission and stewardship needs. Improve understanding of DoD mission and stewardship needs. Place DoD lands into larger regional context. Place DoD lands into larger regional context. Identify regional threats both on and off military lands. Identify regional threats both on and off military lands. Integrate small scale natural resource management projects into regional interagency efforts. Integrate small scale natural resource management projects into regional interagency efforts. Reduce conservation pressures on DoD lands by focusing on large scale habitat conservation. Reduce conservation pressures on DoD lands by focusing on large scale habitat conservation. Enhance resource sharing and reduce costs. Enhance resource sharing and reduce costs. Increase flexibility for training and other activities. Increase flexibility for training and other activities. Demonstrate DoD's continued commitment to and leadership in conservation efforts. Demonstrate DoD's continued commitment to and leadership in conservation efforts. Assist INRMP implementation. Assist INRMP implementation.
Working with Stakeholders Ecosystem Management Ecosystem Management Species at Risk Species at Risk Research and Development Research and Development BRAC BRAC
Cooperative Agreement Authority DoD has authority to enter into Cooperative Agreements for conservation purposes 10 USC USC 2694 FY94 DoD Appropriations Act FY94 DoD Appropriations Act Sikes Act Sikes ActIssues Are funds available to acquire off-base interests? Are funds available to acquire off-base interests? Must DoD obtain a recordable real property interest? Must DoD obtain a recordable real property interest? Do “normal” land acquisition rules and restrictions pertain? Do “normal” land acquisition rules and restrictions pertain? Are we inviting regulators to insist on ESA buyouts? Are we inviting regulators to insist on ESA buyouts?
DoD Conservation Conference Theme: DoD’s Conservation Program: Proactive Planning for Mission Support Theme: DoD’s Conservation Program: Proactive Planning for Mission Support Natural and Cultural Resources Issues Natural and Cultural Resources Issues June 17-21, 2002 June 17-21, 2002 Tucson, AZ Tucson, AZ
Conference Agenda T&E Species Workshop (DoD Focus) T&E Species Workshop (DoD Focus) Two days of Plenary Sessions Two days of Plenary Sessions One day of Resource Breakout Sessions: Natural, Cultural, Historic Buildings One day of Resource Breakout Sessions: Natural, Cultural, Historic Buildings Exhibits and Posters Exhibits and Posters Field Trip: Ft. Huachuca Field Trip: Ft. Huachuca
Plenary Sessions Senior Administration Officials Senior Administration Officials Meeting Readiness and Stewardship Needs Meeting Readiness and Stewardship Needs DoD Senior Environmental Representatives DoD Senior Environmental Representatives Emerging Sustainment Issues Emerging Sustainment Issues Partnering to Achieve Mutual Goals Partnering to Achieve Mutual Goals Integrating Natural and Cultural Resources with Military Needs Integrating Natural and Cultural Resources with Military Needs Encroachment Issues: Planning for the Future Encroachment Issues: Planning for the Future
More Plenary Sessions Stakeholder Involvement in the Planning Process Stakeholder Involvement in the Planning Process Access to DoD Resources Access to DoD Resources Future Funding Future Funding Overseas Issues Overseas Issues
Natural Resource Breakout Sessions Endangered Species and Species at Risk Endangered Species and Species at Risk Ecosystem Management and Ecoregional Planning Ecosystem Management and Ecoregional Planning Invasive Species Invasive Species Management Plans Management Plans
INRMP Issues Importance of INRMPs Importance of INRMPs INRMP Status INRMP Status IG Study IG Study Potential Future Issues Potential Future Issues INRMP Handbook INRMP Handbook
Importance of INRMPs INRMPs are the primary planning tools for managing DoD’s natural resources for long- term sustainability. INRMPs are the primary planning tools for managing DoD’s natural resources for long- term sustainability. Good INRMPs are vital to military readiness and resource stewardship. Good INRMPs are vital to military readiness and resource stewardship. Preparing and implementing high quality INRMPs is even more important now that they are being considered as adequate substitutes for the designation of critical habitat. Preparing and implementing high quality INRMPs is even more important now that they are being considered as adequate substitutes for the designation of critical habitat.
INRMP Status RequiredCompletedIncomplete Army Navy87807 Air Force Marine Corps DLA312 Total
IG Study Degree of consultation with FWS and states Degree of consultation with FWS and states Effective implementation – the extent to which goals and objectives are accomplished Effective implementation – the extent to which goals and objectives are accomplished Match funding documents and projects Match funding documents and projects Mission/stewardship interface Mission/stewardship interface Role of Regional Environmental Coordinators Role of Regional Environmental Coordinators Performance metrics for INRMPs Performance metrics for INRMPs
Potential Future Issues Evaluate DoD IG results Evaluate DoD IG results Define successful coordination Define successful coordination How to track comments? How to track comments? How to improve efficiency of INRMP review? How to improve efficiency of INRMP review? How to spread the workload for the next review? How to spread the workload for the next review? How to define and track effective implementation? How to define and track effective implementation? Resolve competing definitions of "complete." Resolve competing definitions of "complete." Resolve contaminants issue. Resolve contaminants issue. Update guidance memos? Update guidance memos?
INRMP Handbook Available on DENIX: Available on DENIX:
T&E Species DoD-FWS Working Group DoD-FWS Working Group Species at Risk Species at Risk Information and Education Working Group Information and Education Working Group Protecting Endangered Species on Military Lands Protecting Endangered Species on Military Lands Special DoD ESB issue Special DoD ESB issue Bald Eagle poster Bald Eagle poster Marine Corps poster Marine Corps poster
Migratory Bird Issues Revised DoD Partners in Flight Strategic Plan Revised DoD Partners in Flight Strategic Plan Migratory Bird Treaty Act Migratory Bird Treaty Act Migratory Bird Executive Order Migratory Bird Executive Order
Funding Issues Legacy Program Legacy Program DoD Forestry Reserve Account DoD Forestry Reserve Account Grazing Program Grazing Program
New Conservation Metrics Improved tracking of INRMPs Improved tracking of INRMPs Improved tracking of ICRMPs Improved tracking of ICRMPs Potential impacts of the ESA on military training and testing lands Potential impacts of the ESA on military training and testing lands Potential impacts of selected invasive species Potential impacts of selected invasive species
Other Issues Invasive Species Invasive Species Wildland Fire Guidelines Wildland Fire Guidelines Conservation Law Enforcement Conservation Law Enforcement Access to Resources Access to Resources Pollinators Pollinators