नमस्ते ! Standards of ISO Technical Committee 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Presented by Julie Maitra To GSDI-7 Tutorial Bangalore, India January 30, 2004 1
Topics Scope of work Goals Membership External liaisons Program of work – over 40 standards Views of program of work Role of ISO standards in Spatial Data Infrastructures Status of standards in ISO standards approval process Published standards Draft International Standards Emerging Standards Standards of particular interest Roles of standards organizations For more information Get involved!
Scope of ISO/TC 211work Standardization in the field of digital geographic information. This work aims to establish a structured set of standards known as the ISO 19100 series of geographic information standards. This work shall link to appropriate standards for information technology and data where possible, and provide a framework for the development of sector-specific applications using geographic data.
The goal of ISO/TC 211... …a family of international standards that support understanding and usage of geographic information increase the availability, access, integration, and sharing of geographic information enable interoperability of geospatially enabled computer systems contribute to a unified approach to addressing global issues ease the establishment of SDIs on local, regional, and global levels
Membership Active members (P-members), 29 countries Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Czech Rep. Denmark Finland Germany Hungary Italy Japan Republic of Korea Malaysia Morocco New Zealand Norway Portugal Russian Federation Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States of America Yugoslavia 3
Membership Observing members 27 (20 O-members, 4 corresponding members) Argentina Bahrain (corr.) Brunei Darussalam (corr.) Colombia Cuba Estonia (corr.) France Greece Hong Kong (corr.) Iceland India Iran Ireland Jamaica Kenya Mauritius Netherlands Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Slovakia Slovenia Tanzania Ukraine Uruguay Zimbabwe 3
External liaisons CEOS, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites DGIWG, Digital Geographic Information Working Group EPSG, European Petroleum Survey Group FIG, International Federation of Surveyors GSDI, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure IAG, International Association of Geodesy ICA, International Cartographic Association ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IHB, International Hydrographic Bureau ISCGM, International Steering Committee for Global Mapping ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing JRC, Joint Research Centre, European Commission OGC, Open GIS Consortium, Incorporated PCGIAP, The Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific UN Economic Commission for Europe, Statistical Division UNGIWG, United Nations Geographic Information Working Group WMO, World Meteorological Organization PC IDEA, Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas SCAR, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research UNGEGN, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names CEN/TC 287, Geographic information Those organizations highlighted in bold are those for which I know India has more than token participation – there might be others 4
Programme of Work ISO 19123 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19125 - Simple feature access – Part 1-3 ISO 19126 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary ISO 19127 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19128 - Web Map Server Interface ISO 19129 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO 19130 - Sensor and data model for imagery and gridded data ISO 19131 - Data product specification ISO 19132 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19135 - Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO 19136 – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19137 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO 19138 – Data quality measures ISO 19139 - Metadata - Implementation specification ISO 19140 - Technical amendment to the ISO 191** Geographic information series of standards for harmonization and enhancements ISO 6709:1983, Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations ISO 19101 - Reference model ISO 19102 – Overview ISO/TS 19103 - Conceptual schema language ISO 19104 - Terminology ISO 19105 - Conformance and testing ISO 19106 - Profiles ISO 19107 - Spatial schema ISO 19108 - Temporal schema ISO 19109 - Rules for application schema ISO 19110 - Feature cataloguing methodology ISO 19111 - Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19112 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113 - Quality principles ISO 19114 - Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115 – Metadata ISO 19115-2 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19116 - Positioning services ISO 19117 – Portrayal ISO 19118 - Encoding ISO 19119 - Services ISO/TR 19120 - Functional standards + Amendment 1 ISO/TR 19121 Imagery and gridded data ISO/TR 19122 - Qualifications and certification of personnel
Role of ISO standards in Spatial Data Infrastructures Access, technology Content (data) Organization Education ISO 19103 - Conceptual schema language ISO 19107 - Spatial schema ISO 19108 - Temporal schema ISO 19109 - Rules for application schema ISO 19110 - Feature cataloguing methodology ISO 19111 - Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19112 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113 - Quality principles ISO 19114 - Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115 – Metadata ISO/TR 19121 - Imagery and gridded data ISO 19123 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19126 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary ISO 19127 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19129 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO 19130 - Sensor and data model for imagery and gridded data ISO 19131 - Data product specification ISO 19137 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO/TR 19122 - Qualifications and certification of personnel Documentation
Role of ISO standards in Spatial Data Infrastructures Access and services ISO 19116 - Positioning services ISO 19117 – Portrayal ISO 19118 – Encoding ISO 19119 – Services ISO 19125-1 - Simple feature access – Common architecture ISO 19125-2 – SFA – SQL option ISO 19128 - Web Map Server Interface ISO 19132 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19136 – Geography Markup Language (GML) Standards Access, technology Content (data) Organization Education Organization ISO 19101 – Reference model ISO 19104 – Terminology ISO 19105 – Conformance and testing ISO 19106 – Profiles ISO/TR 19120 – Functional standards ISO 19135 – Procedures for registration of geographic information items
Published International Standards ISO 6709:1983 Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations ISO 19101:2002 Geographic information — Reference model ISO 19105:2000 Geographic information — Conformance and testing ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information — Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information — Temporal schema ISO 19111:2003 Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19112:2003 Geographic information — Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19113:2002 Geographic information — Quality principles ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information — Quality evaluation procedures ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata ISO/TR 19120:2001 Geographic information — Functional standards ISO/TR 19121:2000 Geographic information — Imagery and gridded data This slide and the following standards identify mature standards that should form the basis for national standards
Draft International Standards ISO/DIS 19104 Geographic information — Terminology ISO/DIS 19106 Geographic information — Profiles ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema ISO/DIS 19110 Geographic information — Feature cataloguing methodology ISO/DIS 19116 Geographic information — Positioning services ISO/DIS 19117 Geographic information — Portrayal ISO/DIS 19118 Geographic information — Encoding ISO/DIS 19119 Geographic information — Services ISO/DIS 19125-1 Geographic information — Simple feature access — Part 1: Common architecture ISO/DIS 19125-2 Geographic information — Simple feature access — Part 2: SQL option
Emerging Standards ISO/TS 19103 - Conceptual schema language ISO 19115-2 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO/TR 19122 - Qualifications and certification of personnel ISO 19123 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components ISO 19126 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary ISO 19127 - Geodetic codes and parameters ISO 19128 - Web Map Server Interface ISO 19129 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO 19130 - Sensor and data model for imagery and gridded data ISO 19131 - Data product specification ISO 19132 - Location based services possible standards ISO 19133 - Location based services tracking and navigation ISO 19134 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO 19135 - Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO 19136 – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19137 - Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO 19138 – Data quality measures ISO 19139 - Metadata - Implementation specification ISO 19140 - Technical amendment to the ISO 191** Geographic information series of standards for harmonization and enhancements There is still the opportunity to contribute to development of ISO standards. I have highlighted in bold those projects that focus on imagery and remote sensing.
Standards of Interest ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema ISO 19123 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata
Presents General Feature Model for defining geographic features Standards of Interest: ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema Presents General Feature Model for defining geographic features Provides rules for defining an application schema in Unified Modeling Language (UML) Provides rules for integrating schemas from other ISO/TC 211 standards into an application schema for a complete data structure Pending registration as Final Draft International Standard (FDIS); targeted for publication as an International Standard (IS) in May 2004. ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information — Metadata (including data quality reporting) ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information — Temporal schema ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information — Spatial schema. ISO 19107 defines both geometric and topological objects. In the definition of an application schema, ISO 19107 uses structures and definitions from ISO 19111:2003, Geographic information – Spatial Referencing by Coordinates, for geodetic and other coordinate reference systems. ISO/DIS 19110, Geographic information — Feature Cataloguing Methodology ISO 19112:2003, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
Standards of Interest: ISO/DIS 19109 Geographic information — Rules for application schema 3 property types: operation, attribute, association roles Other concepts: feature associations, inheritance relationships, and constraints 6 attribute types; 5 defined by other standards in the ISO 19100 series of geographic information standards Extract of General Feature Model
Standards of Interest: ISO 19123 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions Defines coverage as a “feature that acts as a function to return values from its range for any direct position within its spatiotemporal domain.” Data sets that can be represented as coverages include digital orthoimages, gridded elevation data sets, and thematic classification maps such as soils maps. Representation of geographic phenomena as discrete features or coverages is not mutually exclusive. A discrete feature or a coverage could represent the same phenomenon. Pending registration as a Draft International Standard (DIS); targeted for publication as IS in May 2005. Put another way, A coverage is a feature that associates positions within a bounded space (its spatiotemporal domain) to feature attribute values (its range).
Standards of Interest: ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata The main package in ISO 19115 is Metadata entity set information. It is an aggregate of other packages: Identification information – information to uniquely identify a resource or resources Constraint information – restrictions on access and use of a resource or metadata Data quality information – scope, lineage (information about events or source data used to construct the data), and data quality element information. Maintenance information - scope and frequency of updating data. Spatial representation information - information concerning the mechanisms (grid or vector) used to represent spatial information in a dataset. Reference system information - description of spatial and temporal reference system(s) Completeness, Logical Consistency, Positional Accuracy, Thematic Accuracy and Temporal Accuracy, as identified by ISO 19113, Geographic information – Data quality principles
Standards of Interest: ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata (continued) Content information – information about the feature catalogue used and/or information describing the content of a coverage dataset Portrayal catalogue information - information identifying the portrayal catalogue used. Distribution information - information about the distributor of and options for obtaining a resource. Metadata extension information - information about user specified metadata extensions. Application schema information - information about the application schema used to build a dataset. Extent information – metadata elements that describe the spatial and temporal extent of the referring entity. Citation and responsible party information - data types for citing a resource (dataset, feature, source, publication, etc.) and information about the party responsible for a resource.
Standards of Interest: ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata (continued)
Roles of Consensus Organizations ISO provides a framework for the development of sector-specific applications Industry Consortia provide technical implementation specifications OpenGIS Consortium has adopted standards developed by ISO/TC 211 as abstract specifications and has submitted its specs as New Work Item Proposals (NWIP) Regional and national groups adopt international standards and standardize data and services using international standards Topic 1 - Feature Geometry (Topic 1) same as ISO 19107, Spatial Schema (defines geometric and topological objects) Topic 12 - The OpenGIS Service Architecture (Topic 12) same as ISO 19119, Services ISO 19115 replaces Topics 9 and 11, Metadata
Meeting schedule Meeting 11th plenary 12th plenary 13th plenary Place Reston, VA, USA Lisbon, Portugal Adelaide, Australia Bangkok, Thailand Gyeongju, Rep. of Korea Switzerland Germany Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Baveno, Italy Stockholm, Sweden Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Orlando, Florida, USA Date September 7-8, 2000 March 8-9, 2001 October 25-26, 2001 May 23-24, 2002 November 14-15, 2002 May 22-23, 2003 October/November, 2003 May 2004 October 2004 May/June, 2005 October/November 2003 May 2006 15
For More Information http://www.isotc211.org Find current information on ISO/TC 211 at: http://www.isotc211.org Secretariat Organization Calendar About... Resolutions Document list Scope and work programme Mail to secretariat News and information Presentations (slides) 16
Get Involved!! Contact your ISO member body for access to protected ISO/TC 211 documents Comment on ISO/TC 211 documents Contact ISO Chair Mr. Olaf Østensen (olaf.ostensen@statkart.no) or ISO/TC 211 Executive Secretary Ms. Bjørnhild Sæterøy (bjs@standard.no) about getting involved in ISO/TC 211 Implement mature ISO standards as part of SDI strategy in developing national standards Upgrade membership in ISO/TC 211 to “P” status for voting privileges and full participation in development of emerging standards See you at the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Kuala Lumpur in May 2004!
(Ms.) Julie Binder Maitra Thank you ! धन्यवाद् (Ms.) Julie Binder Maitra जूली मैत्र Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 590 National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia 20192 USA Email: jmaitra@usgs.gov Phone: +1 703 648 4627 Fax: +1 703 648 5755
ISO member body Bureau of Indian Standards Manak Bhavan 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 Tel +91 11 2323 7991 Fax +91 11 2323 9399 E-mail bisird@vsnl.net Web http://www.bis.org.in Standardization is to industry what culture is to society - C. RAJAGOPALCHARI