Group III Athina (Greece) Irena (Slovenia) Jaime (Portugal) Katrin (Iceland) Ksenija (Slovenia) Marko (Slovenia) Mateja (Slovenia) Mustafa (Turkey) Roger (United Kingdom) Tatjana (Slovenia) Tonka (Slovenia) Valentina (Romania) Verica (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Target group: CME – CPD for family physicians Applicable to all health professionals in PHC Number of participants: 20 – 30 Duration: 2 days or 4 half days (14 hours)
Organisation 1 plenary room 2 extra rooms speakers and group leaders course material technical equipment advertising
AIM to raise awareness of diversity in FP
OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the participants should: acknowledge that diversity exists in FP acknowledge the importance of respecting diversity be able to recognize the most common or important sources of diversity in FP be able to recognize their own set of values, beliefs and prejudices be able to use communication skills and other strategies to cope with diversity in FP be sensitive to the effects of diversity on patient care
DAY 1- MORNING SESSION LEARNING ABOUT DIVERSITY Keynote lecture: Recognising diversity definition diversity among patients and among doctors conflicts in D-Pt relationship effects of diversity on the outcome of Pt care Group work individual experiences + report on homework video, vignette, role play, case study….
AFTERNOON SESSION Lunch Group work AWARENESS OF GP/FP ABOUT THEIR OWN VALUES, BELIEFS AND PREJUDICES exercises, cases, video, vignettes, simulated patients… grief and mourning choises under budget constraint- priorities terminal care psychiatric Pts “non-compliant” Pts…….
4. Plenary – debate/report from the WGs
DAY 2 -MORNING SESSION STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH DIVERSITY Keynote lecture: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO DIVERSITY – Group Work exercises on communication skills and strategies (vignettes, videos): gender issues VIPs, colleagues, relatives, friends as Pts religious, language problems (refugees) Pts with special needs sexual orientation…
AFTERNOON SESSION 3. Plenary Introduction to field work Home visits – field work: ethnic, religious… diversity Pts with special needs need for interpreter people living in institutions : elderly, nuns, prisoners….
5. Plenary share learning of field work reviewing the course
Assessment of the course evaluation form- questionnaire : What will I do differently? How do I feel after home visit? What will I do /not do, from now on? I will (not) know how to deal with colleagues who do not accept diversity
Thank you for your attention!