ESCAPE 22 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering University College London London, UK 17 – 20 June 2012 Professor David Bogle
Theme The main theme of ESCAPE 22: CAPE tools for a sustainable world
Topics Tools for sustainable development Tools for energy management Tools for financial and business decision making Product and process design Operations, control and process safety Multi-scale modelling and simulation Computational and numerical solution strategies Systems biology and healthcare engineering CAPE in education
Plenary Speakers Joan F. Brennecke, University of Notre Dame, USA Prof Sir William Wakeham, RAEng & IChemE, UK Hans Hoogland, Unilever, The Netherlands
Prof Xavier Joulia, ENSIACET, France Product and Process Design Professor Nina Thornhill, Imperial College, UK Operations, Control and Process Safety Prof Andreas Linninger, University of Illinois, USA Systems Biology and Healthcare Engineering Prof Hans Kuipers, University of Eindhoven, NL Multiscale Modelling and Simulation William Day, PricewaterhouseCoopers, UK Tools for Sustainable Development Keynote Speakers
London’s Global University
The UCL Spirit UCL was established in 1826 in order to open up education in England –it was founded on a radical and liberal tradition –it was the first university to welcome students of any race, class or religion and the first to welcome women on equal terms with men. The bold, radical and responsive spirit of its foundation continues today amongst UCL’s 22,000 students and 8,000 staff. They: –recognise that universities have a central role in changing the world –work across the disciplines –take a global view in dealing with society’s problems –are committed to enriching society.
Academic Powerhouse UCL is a modern outward-looking institution, engaged with the world’s problems. One of the world’s leading multidisciplinary universities: –4th in the world in the Times Higher Education-QS rankings –21 Nobel prize winners amongst past and present members –Number one for research in London and third in the UK overall
01 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Introduction The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering will reward and celebrate an individual (or up to three individuals) responsible for a ground- breaking innovation in engineering that has been of global benefit to humanity The prize will be awarded biennially and is worth £1million. It will be awarded by Her Majesty, the Queen.
02 Timeline 28 th February 2012 – Nominations Opened, Judges Announced 14 th September 2012 – Nominations Close March 2013 – Winner announced Spring 2013 – Awards Ceremony
03 ‘Societal Change’ As the search for the winner continues, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering aims to: discover and celebrate engineering success stories that tackle global challenges. Raise the international public profile of engineering Inspire new generations of engineers to take up the challenges of the future. The Prize winner will be decided by a distinguished panel of judges from across the world.
04 Further Information For Further Information, current news, case studies and brand material visit: Thank you!
Dinner Venue The Grand Connaught Rooms Great Queen Street Covent Garden, WC2B 5DA
Wireless Instructions Wifi network for external visitors - UCL Guest Event code ESCAPE Need to register personal username and password See details in delegate pack UK academics may use eduroam
Journal Special Issues Computers and Chemical Engineering Product and Process Design Operations, control and process safety Multi-scale modelling and simulation Computational and numerical solution strategies Systems biology and healthcare engineering Chemical Engineering Research and Design Tools for sustainable development Tools for energy management Tools for financial and business decision making CAPE in Education Submit via journal websites by 1 st October
Safety Instructions EMERGENCY PROCEDURE - FIRE Upon hearing the fire alarm, participants should leave the room by the nearest Fire Exit and proceed to the designated Fire Assembly Point. The Assembly Point is indicated on the 'Fire Action' notice displayed in each room. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE - MEDICAL In the event of a medical emergency please request assistance by telephoning 222 from a UCL internal telephone.
Enjoy the conference!