Development update for BOF 20
Slide 2 CIRIA Arch Manual Now published Available for free download from CIRIA web site
Slide 3 CIRIA Tunnel Manual third draft produced in November 2006 steering group approved in December 2006 awaiting CIRIA peer review publication late spring/early summer 2007
Slide 4 Sustainable Bridges 3 rd year completed –year end reports just submitted to EU 1 dissemination workshop held –BAM (NDE) 3 further workshops planned (by invitation) –LTU (repair & strengthening) 26/27 March 2007 –COWI (assessment) 21/22 May 2007 –EMPA (monitoring) 28/29 June 2007 Final conference (open to all) –Wroclaw 10, 11 October 2007
Slide 5 European Construction Technology Platform nd plenary meeting/brokerage event in Versailles in November 2006 –VCE proposal, Quicnet FP7 1 st call published 22 nd December 2006 –not a lot of relevance to bridges - later this year? –railway meeting planned for Frankfurt in February 2007 –Dutch national platform/Eurekabuild brokerage meeting in Rotterdam 22/23 January 2007 client/user advisory group meeting in Brussels January 2007 Contact made with UK national platform –membership of support group a possibility
Slide 6 Other projects (1) CIRIA –Manual on the use of rock in hydraulic engineering now with CIRIA publications –Whole life costing across industries work progressed to phase 2 (Scott Wilson) –Monitoring of concrete structures (DTI funded) final report discussed December 2006 Possible CIRIA report as spin off –Metallic bridges – John Clarke delay –Dry stone walls – Ronnie Wilson delay
Slide 7 Other projects (2) Mining related –Edinburgh University - mine shaft detection –Newcastle University - management of shallow mine workings Bath University –shear resistance of elderly pre stressed beams with transverse post tensioning Salford University –soil/structure interaction in arch bridges –radial pinning of masonry arches –acoustic emission testing Cardiff University –fatigue in masonry arches
Slide 8 Other projects (3) Surrey University –reliability based bridge inspection frequencies –fatigue crack growth in wrought iron Keele University/SciSite - detection of rebar corrosion Edinburgh University - use of GPR on masonry arches Parsons Brinckerhoff - proprietary FRP products for use in bridges
Slide 9 Other projects (4) DTI –TSET (LSBU etc) –ACLAIM (ESR Technology) –KTN:MBE (CIRIA and BRE) Rod Howe and David Patterson (HA)
Slide 10 Watching brief (1) BSI Committee B/509/1 –BS EN Road restraint systems –BS6779 Pt 4 – Masonry bridge parapets Edward ? Leeds – PhD on FRP/metallic strengthening Bath, Bradford & Bristol Universities - low energy lime mortars Bath & Southampton Universities – dry stone walls
Slide 11 Networks Materials KTN ( launched 19 January 2006 –SMART.mat ( also launched 19 January 2006 smart composites workshop at IOM3, 25 May 2006 roadmapping workshop at IOM3, 6 June 2006 –NCN ( presentation to next BOF? –NGCC ( New co-ordinating organisation (Net Composites) SIMoNET ( –seminar held 15 November 2006, next planned for April 2007