www.ks1resources.co.uk Do you know what the word variation means? How are these different? What are the differences between them? Variation means the.


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Presentation transcript:

Do you know what the word variation means? How are these different? What are the differences between them? Variation means the differences between things. Things that might belong to the same group or to different groups. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

Plant or animal? How do you know? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

WALT: Understand the difference between an animal and a plant. NC POS Science – SC2: 4b, 5a 4b group living things according to observable similarities and differences 5a find out about the different kinds of plants and animals in the local environment Success Criteria: 1.I can identify whether something is an animal or a plant 2.I can understand the difference between an animal and a plant 3.I can identify similarities and differences between plants and animals. Activity: Explain that the science topic is ‘variation’ and that variation means the differences within a group/between different groups. Explain that the children will be looking at how animals are different to plants and how not all animals and not all plants are the same. Look at the slideshow and ask the children to think about the ‘How do you know’ question but keep their answers in their heads for now. Ask the question ‘Plant?’ then ‘Animal?’ Children to put thumbs up or thumbs down as each word is said. After slide 28 (cabbage) split the children into talking partners and ask them to discuss ‘How do you know?’. Choose children to feedback. Others to agree/disagree using thumbs. Ask children to explain why they agree or disagree. Continue slideshow by looking at slide 29 (humans) Ask the children to partner talk again – Can humans fit into one of the categories? If so, which one? Feedback and discuss as above. Show slide 30 and explain that scientists divide living things into plants and animals. Can the children suggest why humans belong in the animals group? Possible Tasks – Cut and stick activities, sorting pictures, Possible Plenary – Explain to talk partner why a tree is a plant and why a dog is an animal. Sort pictures into plants and animals. Explain why they have sorted the pictures in that way.

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