International Negotiating Committee (INC) for a Legally Binding Agreement (LBA) on Forests in Europe. Noel Holleran, Stephen Fitzpatrick International Forest Policy
The Story so far.... Negotiating Sessions Three sessions of INC to date –Vienna (February/March 2012) –Bonn (September 2012) –Antalya (January 2013) The most Recent in Antalya INC 3 To be continued....
Saint Petersburg April 3 rd - 5 th, 2013 INC 3 Resumed EU and MS Coordination Plenary Sessions Informal consultations and Contact Groups with specific tasks may be established Legal Group working in Parallel Draft Organisation of Work made available to EU & MS by INC Bureau member
INC 3 Resumed Further discussion on Draft Negotiating Text (DNT) Content and Structure of Text Day 1 – Objectives, Principles and General Provisions; Structure of Text; Finance; UN Umbrella Day 2 – Compliance; Rules, Bodies and Procedures; Annex on Arbitration; Terms and Definitions; Report of the Legal Group; UN Umbrella; Institutional arrangements; Roadmap for the negotiating process to INC4 and Forest Europe Extraordinary Ministerial Conference Day 3 – Pending paragraphs in the DNT; Report of the Session
Main issues remaining - 1 Structure of the DNT Terms and Definitions Reporting and Monitoring Provisions Compliance Provisions
Main issues remaining - 2 Finance arrangements Secretariat – Joint, Interim, Permanent, Location UN Umbrella issue Entry into Force/ Triggering mechanisms Arbitration Annex
INC-Forests beyond St Petersburg Updated Roadmap INC 4 Warsaw - June 10 th -14 th, 2013 Beyond Warsaw.....and the Extraordinary Forest Europe Ministerial Conference in late 2013 Trust Fund Depository
Interim Period after Ministerial Adoption of the Agreement Signatures Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession Entry into Force etc.
Thank You Discussion