Office of Continuing Nursing Education
* Continuing Education * Budget Management * Hotel / Conference Site Negotiation * Call for Abstracts Management * Audio Visual Support * Exhibit & Sponsor Management * Registration * Design & Printing * Social Event Planning * Marketing Campaign * Keynote Speaker Arrangements * Photography * Evaluation & Attendance Tracking * Onsite Conference Management & Staffing * Post Conference Reporting
* Director serves on the Conference Planning Committee * CE reviews program & presentation goals/objectives * Collect biographical data & disclosure forms * Develop online Statement of Attendance * Develop online Evaluation Tool * Accumulate evaluation results & issue summary report * Issue certificates via
* Manage overall conference budget * Open dedicated conference account * Accept all income & manage/pay expenses * Provide detailed budget reports
* Contact hotels & submit request for proposals * Assist with hotel negotiations * Space * Catering * Sleeping room rate * Internet * Audio visual
* Collaborate to create the Call for Abstracts * Market Call for Abstracts * Accept and organize abstracts * Log abstracts * Create blind copy for review * Develop an evaluation tool * Distribute abstracts to review teams * Accumulate evaluation scores * Director & Chair of Planning Committee meet to discuss abstracts * abstract acceptance letters * Communicate with podium & poster presenters regarding time, location & presentation specifications * Reserve & schedule delivery of poster boards
* Develop online Exhibitor/Sponsor Prospectus * Market to potential partners * Accept exhibit monies * Confirm advertising and sponsorship needs * Procure Exhibit (Drayage) Setup company * Organize exhibit hall space, setup & event times * Design signage * Provide onsite assistance for booth setup * Provide name badges/welcome packets/contact list * Send Exhibit evaluation post conference
* Develop a dedicated Webpage – linked to UT Health Science Center at San Antonio Continuing Education Page * blast Save the Date, Call for Abstracts, Brochure, Registration, send reminders & notices of deadlines * Assist with conference marketing – make calls & send letters * Procure a local host School or Organization – to assist with local marketing & sponsorships
* Onsite Conference Logistical Support * Staffing * Onsite Conference Management * Audio Visual Equipment & Technician * Send proposals for world renowned keynote speakers * Manage Speaker Travel, Honorarium & Lodging * Develop online Registration form * Easy payment system * Detailed confirmation s * Handle cancelations & refunds * Organized communication: reminders to pay * Photography * Conference Audio & Video Recording
* Agenda/Brochure * Program book * Program handouts * Printed syllabus * Online interactive web version * CD or Jump Drive * Name badges & identification ribbons * Registration packets * Conference tote bags, neck wallets, lanyards * High quality graphic signage
* Welcome Reception * Gala Dinner * Band, DJ, Line Dancing * Themed Event * Event Transportation * Locations: * Onsite at Hotel * Offsite at Venue
2008 – San Jose California 500 nursing attendees & 45 Sponsors & Exhibitors Pre-conference Day & Conference: two and a half days of 5 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Poster Reception Social Event – Train Ride through the Redwood Forest, BBQ Dinner & Country Band 2009 – St. Louis Missouri 600 nursing attendees & 50 Sponsors & Exhibitors Pre-conference Day & Conference: two and a half days of 5 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Simulation Lab Tours to local colleges Poster Reception Social Event – Boat Ride on Mississippi River, Dinner, and DJ 2010 – Las Vegas Nevada 800 nursing attendees & 60 Sponsors & Exhibitors Pre-conference Day & Conference: two and a half days of 5 concurrent sessions, three keynote speakers Simulation Lab Tours to local colleges Poster Reception 2011 – Orlando Florida 800 nursing attendees & 60 Sponsors & Exhibitors Pre-conference Day & Conference: two and a half days of 5 concurrent sessions, three keynote speakers Simulation Lab Tours to local colleges Poster Reception Social Event – Sea World Dinner and Park tickets 2012 – San Antonio Texas 850 nursing attendees & 60 Sponsors & Exhibitors Pre-conference Day & Conference: two and a half days of 5 concurrent sessions, three keynote speakers Simulation Lab Tours to local colleges Poster Reception Social Event – Marriott Knibbe ranch, dinner, line dancing, hay ride, long horn steer, cowboy hats
2009 – San Antonio Texas 290 nursing attendees & 75 Sponsors & Exhibitors Welcome Reception Pre-conference Day & Conference: one and a half days of 3 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Poster Reception Gala Dinner with awards and band 2010 – Washington DC 300 nursing attendees & 80 Sponsors & Exhibitors Welcome Reception Pre-conference Day & Conference: one and a half days of 3 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Poster Reception Gala Dinner with awards and band 2011 Las Vegas Nevada 325 nursing attendees & 80 Sponsors & Exhibitors Welcome Reception Pre-conference Day & Conference: one and a half days of 3 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Poster Reception Gala Dinner with awards and band
2011 – San Antonio Texas 145 nursing attendees & 8 Sponsors & Exhibitors Welcome Reception Conference: Two and a half days of 3 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Special Dinner for attendees Poster Reception for Professionals Poster Reception for Students Silent Auction **2012- Association contracted with Philadelphia School of Nursing prior to booking with UTHSCSA for San Antonio, re-contracted with UTHSCSA for upcoming 2013 Annual conference 2013 – Orlando Florida Attendees TBA Welcome Reception Conference: Two and a half days of 3 concurrent sessions, two keynote speakers Poster Reception for Professionals Poster Reception for Students
2012 – San Antonio Texas 285 nursing attendees & 12 sponsor & exhibitors One day conference plenary format Gala Dinner & Silent Auction 2014 – to be negotiated