Point of View: Best Practices and Industry Quality Randal A. Lemke, Ph.D. InfoComm International
Welcome to Point of View Series Highlights information about issues impacting the audiovisual industry and provides a forum for InfoComm to share the association’s viewpoints.
With You Today Scott Walker, CTS-D Principal, Waveguide Consulting, Inc.
POV Overview Maturing AV industry is taking a hard look at quality and ways to maintain, improve and expand client awareness of why it’s important to hire audiovisual professionals. InfoComm’s role: Industry Outreach Campaigns Education and Certification AV Best Practices Book Project Management Courses New Programs Coming Soon
Questions this POV Will Answer Best Practices What are Industry Best Practices and why are they important? What are some Best Practices identified by industry experts? How will InfoComm continue to establish best practices as the industry and technologies change?
What are Industry Best Practices? Best Practices are a concept which asserts that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. With proper processes, checks, and testing, a project can be rolled out and completed with fewer problems and unforeseen complications.
How Were the Best Practices Developed? Design and Integration Best Practices were developed by a dedicated team of AV systems integrators, independent consultants and the technology managers/end-users who recognized the need for a definitive explanation of the business of AV. Their InfoComm councils — the Sound, AudioVisual and Video Integrators (SAVVI), the Independent Consultants in Audiovisual Technology (ICAT) and the Technology Managers/End-Users — made suggestions that were refined and expanded by the Best Practices Committee.
Result: AV Best Practices Guide The design and construction process Selecting and contracting the project team Explanation of the program, design and construction phases Information about system commissioning and training Sample contract forms and checklists Questions to ask during the program and construction phases of AV projects Sample user guide Sample technical manual AV glossary
Impact of Audiovisual Best Practices Guide How is it used? What has been its impact?
Project Management Audiovisual Best Practices book highlights importance of project management skills and knowledge for quality outcome Members asked InfoComm to provide expertise in project management InfoComm now offers project management courses, taught by a PMI® Registered Education Provider®, using the PMI A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) as its basis and customized for the audiovisual industry Using the PMI materials aligns the audiovisual industry with internationally recognized project management best practices to reinforce the client’s image of quality for the industry
Project Management for Executives How does Project Management professionalize the industry? Why should AV industry executives be interested in project management ? What is the advantage for industry leaders attending InfoComm’s Project Management for Executives?
InfoComm Executive Business Conference September 22 and 23 (golf on 21) Marriott Lincolnshire, Chicago Audience: commercial audiovisual business owners, principals, executives and their direct reports only Project management and human resource focus
Industry Technical Best Practices
Best Practices Next Steps Business Best Practices now documented in Audiovisual Best Practices book Project Management Best Practices taught in course using PMBOK®Guide as basis What about Installation and Design technical best practices?
Document Installation Best Practices InfoComm has taught installation best practices to hundreds of installers over the past 10 years through its classroom and online courses Installation best practices have been established by industry experts who taught on a volunteer basis and who actively review curriculum In recent years, documented curriculum has highlighted “best practices”
Installation Best Practices Reference Compilation of curriculum best practices Many photos added Released as training material and discussion encouraged Final copy in ‘07
InfoComm Audiovisual Installation Program
Situation Analysis – Industry Needs Installers While hundreds of students take InfoComm's Installation Online course each year, limited availability of classroom space for InfoComm’s Installation School has students requesting additional options. Many are also seeking to achieve the Certified Technology Specialist in Installation (CTS-I) designation. In a recent survey of 6,465 North American Systems Integrators (184 responses), 59% of the respondents stated that they were not aware of InfoComm soldering practices and 63% do not have documentation for soldering practices.
Addressing the Need for Installers InfoComm Board of Governors (BOG), SAVVI and ICAT members initiated discussions with the Professional Education and Training (PETC) Steering Committee regarding the critical need in the industry for more installation technicians and for improvement in the quality of installations industry-wide. PETC was charged to work with SAVVI and ICAT members to develop ways to take existing InfoComm Academy curriculum content and make it more available to train more installers.
New Program Goals Train several hundred individuals at the installation basics level as quickly as possible. Remove distance barriers to current training Maintain reasonable costs Expand the use of InfoComm Academy’s installation “best practices” content by making it more available for discussion, use and acceptance throughout the industry. Provide a way to recognize the student’s achievement while still maintaining the integrity of CTS-I designation.
Audience for New Class Entry level AV installers in their first year of hire. Refresher for current installers who are not using best practices.
Materials Installation Best Practices Reference Guide 5 Modules Introduction to Audiovisual Installation Basic Mounting Cable Pulling Terminations Rack Building Blended learning materials made available: online, streamed, instructor guides, skill assessment checklists, etc.
Implementation Timeline Materials will be provided for the first 5 modules starting in Fall 2006 to help companies train their employees on site. Phase 2 modules will be developed thereafter Audio Systems Installation Visual Systems Installation Control Systems Installation
Taking CTS-I Prep On the Road Plans are under development The hands-on component of the Installation certification (CTS-I) requires a great deal of equipment and consumables InfoComm is currently investigating ways to maintain a hands-on component to demonstrate skills that is more accessible, while still maintaining the rigorous testing of its specialized programs. More information will be provided on this initiative by the end of 2006.
Design Technical Best Practices Basics of Audio and Visual Systems Design already in print. AV Design Reference Manual (with BICSI) due out shortly. Will be able to order from online store at or by calling customer service at
Future Point of View Webinars Look for more in the late Fall.