1 HTML in 21 minutes A legal HTML document ( html/legalt.html ): My Site My Site See the page Web Publishing with Databases It can be difficult to format HTML code nicely — but try to be consistent! Write the HTML code yourself! Later we shall construct programs that generate HTML code!
2 General Page Layout (ps1-extra.html) You should know about the following tags in HTML: Headings/Overskrifter:...,...,... Rules (vandret streg): Paragraphs and line breaks:..., Quotes:... Centering:... Bold eller fed text:... Italic eller kursiv text:... Underlined eller understreget text:... Ordered lists:... Unordered lists:... List items:...
3 Hyper links (ps1-extra.html) Hyper links: name Local named hyper links:... References to a name: The Name Mail-to links: Tables:...,...,... and... Images: Colors: –... – and –...
4 HTML forms A form can contain text areas ( ), input fields ( ), and menus ( ) Example: html/formular.html (and formular2.html) <form method="post" enctype="text/plain">... more code... Attributes to the tag: –the completed form is sent by method="post" should be used when the completed form is sent by enctype="text/plain" sends the form as ordinary text (not encoded) A click on sends the completed form. A click on resets all fields, text areas, and menues.
5 Text Areas — In a text area ( ) any text can be written : Write your comments here! The attributes: name specifies a name for the field rows specifies the number of lines (rows) in the text area cols specifies the number of characters (columns) in each line in the text area
6 Input Fields — The attribute type determines the type of the input field: Single-line text areas: Passwords, which are not to be displayed by the browser: Check boxes, possibly more than one item can be checked at a time: Radio buttons, only one item can be checked at a time: Button for resetting a form: : Button for sending a completed form: :
7 Menu Choices, A drop-down menu, which allows the user so choose between a series of items (+ +): Pepperoni Pizza Pizza Bambino Chicken Dipper (9 pieces) The attribute multiple in the tag allows the user to choose more than one item. Complete form — html/formular.html With a nicer lay-out (using ): html/formular2.html
8 Completed questionnaire, when it is received via With enctype="text/plain": lastname=Olsen studentid=da4567 sex=male paper=guardian comments=This is not a nice questionnaire. order=9 Without enctype="text/plain": lastname=Olsen&studentid=da4567&sex=male&paper=guardia n& comments=This+is+not+a+nice+questionnaire.&order=9