The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation Digital NOTAM Concept AIXM XML Developers’ Seminar #5 23 March 2010
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 2 Current NOTAM “ A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. ” Digital NOTAM “ A data set made available through digital services containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to systems and automated equipment used by personnel concerned with flight operations. ” Event aeronautical information update Digital NOTAM versus text NOTAM
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 3 Digital NOTAM Sample
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 4 UML XSD Temporality Concept FAA - EUROCONTROL joint development Supported by AIXM version 5
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 5 Temporary events – digital NOTAM
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 6 Benefits – improved data quality Digital data: clearer / more precise than free text enables validation automatic by the system visually by the operator
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 7 Benefits – improved PIB Positive impact on safety
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 8 Benefits – dynamic overlay for EFB static static + dynamic
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 9 Roadmap for Transition from AIS to AIM Phase3 AIS to AIM 1. Consolidation 2. Go Digital 3. Information Management P-09 — Aeronautical data exchange P-10 — Communication networks P-12 — Aeronautical information briefing P-16 — Training P-18 — Agreements with data originators P-19 — Interoperability with meteorological products P-20 — Electronic aeronautical charts P-21 — Digital NOTAM
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 10 Significant increase in the number of NOTAM Source: European AIS Database (EAD) PIB Do nothing – is it an option? Without digital processing, the situation might soon become unmanageable…
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 11 Realistic short term benefits Make digital airspace reservation data available for VFR community -> enable graphical visualisation
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 12 Realistic short term benefits Graphical SNOWTAM Very positive comments from airlines and airports
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 13 Implementation roadmap in Europe Two increments Digital NOTAM Increment 1 Most common / most needed NOTAM Airspace activation / reservations Route closures Navaid events Airport Runway closures Obstacles SNOWTAM all other NOTAM as text “Note” on the feature As detailed in the Event Specification
AIXM Support for Digital NOTAM 14 CFMU – Airspace / route closure April 2010 (CFMU R14) – eAMI messages from CFMU AIXM 5.1 CDR 1 / 2 routes – activation / closure TRA/TSA activation Immediate use for graphical visualisation possible