National Children’s and Adult Services Conference What Next for Personalisation? David Pearson President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social.


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Presentation transcript:

National Children’s and Adult Services Conference What Next for Personalisation? David Pearson President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Corporate Director, Adult Social Care, Health and Public Protection, Nottinghamshire County Council

What are we trying to achieve?

Key Principles of the Care Act  Health and wellbeing of individuals and carers  Continued move towards personalisation of services enshrined in Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and co- produced assessment and commissioning  Joining up public services  Creating communities and businesses that are sensitive and supportive through social action in neighbourhoods and communities

The approach for those with longer term needs and risk  Good advice and information  Prevention and early intervention and helping people in crisis  Assessment of health and care needs and outcomes and support planning  Providing a personal budget, through a managed budget or direct payment  Building community capacity

Advice and Information About... Managing the circumstances of disability and ill health to remain independent Sources of informal help and advice Entitlement to formal services Costs of care The way the system works Navigating the system Managing the crisis

Prevention and early intervention Reablement Housing options with access and support Support for informal carers Assistive technology and telehealth Early diagnosis and support for people with dementia Falls prevention Preventing and responding to strokes Public Health programmes Making all public services and communities sensitive and accessible to people with disabilities

Assessment, support planning and personal budgets Co-producing the assessment An indicative budget, using resource allocation systems Support planning – taking account of the options in the market Person centred approaches leads to new services - personal assistants, “shared lives” and different arrangements for respite care and day care Much closer involvement of informal carers Setting personal budgets Supporting arrangements for Direct Payments, e.g. accounts and payments Review

Building Community Capacity Much better and clearer strategies for support to carers in caring, employment and supporting health and wellbeing Campaigns to develop awareness and sensitivity towards disability Encouraging voluntary effort through social action and corporate responsibility – Local Area Co- ordinators, Circles of Support, Neighbourhood network schemes Joining up public services, health, housing and community services Initiatives include dementia awareness, loneliness (AgeUK) and encouraging voluntary action.

Personalisation Survey % of all people using community based services on a personal budget 24% of people have a direct payment 37% of younger adults and 15% of older people have a direct payment Variation in regions 21% in South West to 30% in the East Midlands £4.428bn – 70% of total community based spend on personal budgets High take up of making safeguarding personal 80%

Personalisation Survey 2014 Some areas for development Addressing variation – Care Act compliance Market development such as micro commissioning and supporting growth of providers Training and development of staff on outcomes based and asset based approaches More users and carers in service design and quality assurance Investing in social capital and mapping assets Market position statements and local accounts sharing progress

Where next? The Care Act compliance Moving from numbers to quality issues More work in regions to follow up personalisation survey and national PB survey results in more detail Extending to more people who have extensive needs, e.g. more people with Dementia Personal health and care budgets are a huge development Work across information and advice, service design and market development, training and development

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