Patrick Taylor Oxfordshire Mind Health & Wellbeing Board
Three things … Health & Wellbeing Partnership Board to date Legislation and national plans for Health and Wellbeing Boards So what might happen in Oxfordshire?
1. Health & Wellbeing Partnership Board to date
HWPB Strategic Priorities “Older people & the demographic time bomb” “Breaking the cycle of deprivation” “Mental health in adults” “The rising tide of obesity”
2. Legislation and national plans for Health and Wellbeing Boards
Health and Social Care Bill 2011
Sees the end of SHA and PCTs The creation of GP Commissioning Groups now Clinical Commissioning Consortia Big on choice and competition Demise of LINk Creation of HealthWatch Demise of any NHS trusts not able or willing to become Foundation Trusts
Health & Wellbeing Boards Three main functions Assess needs Promote integration Support joint commissioning
Health & Wellbeing Boards Membership must include Elected LA representatives Clinical Commissioning Group Director of adult social services Director of childrens services Director of public health Healthwatch
Health & Wellbeing Boards Future Forum report makes the case for Clearer legal status More power New duty to involve
3. So what might happen in Oxfordshire?
Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Board likely to …. have statutory powers be charged with signing off commissioning decisions and holding people to account formally be a sub committee of the County Council link with the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group to involve District Councils as well as County Council be a smaller group than the current HWPB
Currently still …. Two elected voluntary sector representatives on the HWPB … Lesley Dewhurst, OXHOP Patrick Taylor. Oxfordshire Mind
Patrick Taylor Oxfordshire Mind Health & Wellbeing Board