1. Lola plans to become a model, a lawyer, or to go into nursing. Parallelism = balancing items in a pair or series so that they have the same kind of structure Using parallelism in your writing creates clearer sentences that flow more smoothly for your readers. Examples can be found on p.126. 1. Lola plans to become a model, a lawyer, or to go into nursing. Step 1: Find the series. Lola plans to become a model, a lawyer, or to go into nursing. Step 2: Find what doesn’t fit. Lola plans to become a model. Lola plans to become a lawyer. Lola plans to become to go into nursing. Step 3: Create a parallel structure. Lola plans to become a model, a lawyer, or a nurse.
The study skills course taught me how to take more effective notes Parallelism - p.126 2. Filling out an income tax form is worse than wrestling a bear or to walk on hot coals. Filling out an income tax form is worse than wrestling a bear or to walk on hot coals. Filling out an income tax form is worse than wrestling a bear or walking on hot coals. 3. The study skills course taught me how to take more effective notes, to read a textbook chapter, and preparing for exams. The study skills course taught me how to take more effective notes to read a textbook chapter preparing for exams. The study skills course taught me how to take more effective notes, to read a textbook chapter, and to prepare for exams.
Parallelism - p.126 -127 4. The video store has sections devoted to comedy films, dramatic films, and films made in foreign countries. The video store has sections devoted to comedy films, dramatic films, and ________________ films. foreign 5. Martha Grencher likes to water her garden, walking her fox terrier, and arguing with her husband. Martha Grencher likes _______________ her garden, walking her fox terrier, and arguing with her husband. watering OR Martha Grencher likes to water her garden, __________ her fox terrier, and ____________ with her husband. walk argue
When I saw my roommate with my girlfriend, I felt worried, angry, Parallelism - p.126 -127 6. Filled with talent and ambitious, Eduardo plugged away at his sales job. Filled with talent and _______________, Eduardo plugged away at his sales job. ambition 7. When I saw my roommate with my girlfriend, I felt worried, angry, and embarrassment as well. When I saw my roommate with my girlfriend, I felt worried, angry, and ____________ as well. embarrassed OR When I saw my roommate with my girlfriend, I felt worry, anger, and embarrassment as well.
Cindy’s cat likes sleeping in the dryer, lying in the bathtub, and Parallelism - p.126 -127 8. Cindy’s cat likes sleeping in the dryer, lying in the bathtub, and to chase squirrels. Cindy’s cat likes sleeping in the dryer, lying in the bathtub, and chasing squirrels. 9. The bacon was fatty, grease was on the potatoes, and the eggs were cold. The bacon was fatty, grease was on the potatoes, and the eggs were cold. The bacon was fatty, the potatoes were greasy, and the eggs were cold.
People in the lobby munched popcorn, sipped sodas, and Parallelism - p.126 -127 10. People in the lobby munched popcorn, sipped sodas, and were shuffling their feet impatiently. People in the lobby munched popcorn, sipped sodas, and were shuffling their feet impatiently. People in the lobby munched popcorn, sipped sodas, and shuffled their feet impatiently.