Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Proposal for new EU Animal Health Regulation European Parliament, Intergroup on the welfare & conservation of.


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Presentation transcript:

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Proposal for new EU Animal Health Regulation European Parliament, Intergroup on the welfare & conservation of species Strasbourg, 27 November, 2014 Unit G2 – Animal health Directorate-General for Health and Consumers European Commission, Brussels

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Contents About the Regulation on Animal Health New elements and opportunities Specific "animal welfare related" issues : Animal Welfare within the context of AH regulation Antimicrobial resistance Pet animals Conclusion

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers EU Regulation on Animal Health The main instrument to implement the Animal Health Strategy ( ) "Prevention is better than cure" A single and robust legal framework for animal health Simplify existing rules: Numerically (from ca. 40 Directives and Regulations) In substance Align with Lisbon Treaty More risk based, proactive, preventive behaviour Categorization/prioritisation of diseases for EU intervention Clear responsibilities of keepers, operators, veterinarians, competent authorities, etc. Improved response to emerging diseases No revolution, but evolution

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers What is in the Animal Health Proposal Horizontal principles and rules for transmissible animal diseases in: Kept and wild animals and their products Terrestrial, aquatic and other categories of animals Animal health rules for: Disease prevention Disease awareness, biosecurity, surveillance, traceability, etc… Disease control and eradication Intra-EU movements and entry into the EU of animals and animal products Emergency measures Supplementing rules needed to ensure complete implementation and flexible approach Detailed provisions of the current Directives and Regulations included in delegated and implementing acts

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers What is not in the new AH Proposal Not in scope: Welfare of animals Pathologies of individual animals Veterinary checks, official controls EU veterinary expenditure Feed, medicated feed Veterinary medicines Veterinary education Specific rules remain in place for: Animal by-products, TSE rules, Certain zoonoses

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers New elements More prevention: Biosecurity at farms, in transport, assembly, at borders Enhanced surveillance, disease notification and reporting Clearer policy for the use of vaccines and in relation to disease control & diagnosis also some other veterinary medicines AMR pathogens considered as "diseases" Different disease preventive and control measures may be applied More tools to control emerging diseases Easier and safer trade: Enhanced convergence with international standards on animal health (OIE) Compartmentalisation Requirements for export

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers General responsibility for animal health Operators Responsibility for animal health and biosecurity Basic knowledge of animal health Proactive involvement in surveillance Veterinarians/aquatic animal health professionals Early detection of diseases, rapid response Member States Responsibility for animal health Adequate resources, laboratory capacity, animal health services, training

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Opportunities "One Health" approach Horizontal principles and rules contributing to better overall husbandry Better response to new threats Flexibility for disease prevention and control measures proportionate to the risks

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Relevance of Animal Welfare requirements within the AH reg. (1) Animal Health proposal brings several animal welfare aspects systematically into animal health for the first time Animal welfare in Article 1(2):  any measure taken by the AH regulation should take account the relationship between animal health and animal welfare Impact of a disease & control measures on animal welfare is one of the criteria for deciding for listing diseases

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Relevance of Animal Welfare requirements within the AH reg.(2) Operators and animal professionals to acquire knowledge of the relationship between animal health and animal welfare A number of detailed requirements refer to a link between animal health and welfare (registration of operators, movement requirements, etc.) Legislation on animal welfare applies (eg. Reg 1/2005, Dir 1099/2009, etc.) AH regulation is not contradicting or overruling that legislation No need to mention, refer specifically to that legislation

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Union intervention: Antimicrobial resistant pathogens COM communication "Action plan against the rising threats from Antimicrobial Resistance" (COM(2011) 278) Actions No. 5 and 10 Reduction of the need of antimicrobials AMR pathogens considered as "disease agents" and thus "diseases" Following the outcome of disease categorisation / prioritisation: Different disease preventive and control measures may be applied to them (notification, surveillance, eradication, disease control measures, movement control, etc.)

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers With the "breeder" Dog: "kept terrestrial animal" In pet shop Dog: "kept terrestrial animal" With pet keeper Pet animal Abandoned "Stray animal" Dog: "wild terrestrial animal" In shelter Dog: "kept terrestrial animal" AH proposal and different situations in respect of potential "Pet animal"

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers In conclusion Animal Health Proposal builds upon the good experiences of the existing legal framework Provides: Solid ground for healthier animals and humans Clearer and better understood framework for operators, citizens and non-EU countries Provides new elements for more: Competitive and sustainable livestock and aquaculture sectors Confident consumers

Health and Consumers Health and Consumers To learn more about the Animal Health proposal: proposal-2013_en.htm Thank you for your attention