STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES. “ To promote and develop speech and language therapy ” To engage with slts, government, the allied health professions and partners,


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Presentation transcript:


“ To promote and develop speech and language therapy ” To engage with slts, government, the allied health professions and partners, helping to strengthen speech and language therapy as an integral part of the modern health, education and social care sectors. To support the delivery of high quality slt services by ensuring speech and language therapists are properly trained, supported by a body of evidence and provided with on-going opportunities for professional development. Corporate aims Mission statement Strategies (Strategic aims) 1. To influence Government and public policy, promoting the interests of the SLT workforce and people with communication support needs 2. To ensure the RCSLT is fit-for- purpose and resourced to meet its corporate aims 3. To set robust professional standards and to support the profession in meeting them in the interests of service users 4. To be recognised internationally as a key organisation for SLTs and seen as organisation with influence

BUILDING ON PAST SUCCESS RCSLT has continued to be active For example, over the last few years, RCSLT has developed: Revised Clinical Guidelines for speech and language therapy, published in Position papers to help set speech and language therapy in context – Supporting children with speech language and communications needs within integrated children’s services was published in January 2006 A new version of Communicating Quality – third edition was launched in May 2006.

In , Council re-looked at the ‘fit’ between HQ structure and organisation and what we as members needed our professional body to be engaged in on our behalf.


Chief Executive Officer Kamini Gadhok Head of Performance & Contracts Brian Gopsill Head of CRM Richard Guy Head of Policy & Partnership Nick Smith Head of Professional Development Sharon Woolf

NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Finance and Organisational Resources Board (FORB)- ANNE/BRIAN Membership and Communications Board DEBBIE/RICHARD Professional Development and Standards Board (PDSB) CELIA/SHARON Policy and Partnerships Board MARIE/NICK Management Board /KAMINI RCSLT Council remains responsible for the overall governance of RCSLT -ROSALIND/KAMINI

NEW OBJECTIVES Three areas of work were identified as priorities for RCSLT, within the existing strategic plan: 1.To fully represent Members’ interests across the UK. 2.To support Members in their CPD activities. 3.To tackle the threat of declining income for RCSLT. Addressing these issues will ensure RCSLT’s ability to keep pace with change in the health sector and to continually strengthen support for Members.

How the new policy team looks Head of Policy Nick Smith Country Policy Officer for England JANE Country Policy Officer for Wales ALISON Country Policy Officer for Scotland KIM Country Policy Officer for Ireland ALISON 2 policy officers- CLARE AND SARAH Policy and Partnerships Board MARIE/NICK

Professional Development Team Head of PD Sharon Woolf Professional development service manager DOMINQUE Professional development standards manager RUBANA Workforce project officer Professional Development & Standards Board CELIA-RUTH/SHARON

How the new membership and communication team looks Head of Customer Relationship Management Richard Guy Communications (publications and PR ) manager STEVEN Membership and information team manager SHARON Communications officers-FIONA and one vacant Marketing and events manager SARAH Marketing and Events Officer DIGNA Customer service officers JO DEBBIE TASHIKA MANJULA Membership and Communications Board DEBBIE/RICHARD

How the Performance and contracts team looks Head of Performance and Contracts Brian Gopsill Office manager BRIDGET 2 Secretaries Admin assistant Financial controller Finance officer Finance assistant Contracts and personnel officer Data analysis Officer / IT support Finance and Organisational Resources Board -ANNE/BRIAN

The new senior managers have now led on getting the most from the new organisational structure Country Policy Officers -all SLTs working in each country; building capacity We continue to develop strategic approaches for each of the different areas of work Strong Council to govern on behalf of the members- “traffic light system” to monitor progress on strategic objectives SO..WHERE ARE WE NOW….

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