Welcome to MONAMI6 Working group Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 MONAMI6 WG IETF 68 Prague, March 19 2007 Nicolas Montavont - GET/ENST Bretagne.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to MONAMI6 Working group Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 MONAMI6 WG IETF 68 Prague, March Nicolas Montavont - GET/ENST Bretagne Thierry Ernst - INRIA

Before starting… Anyone on jabber? scribe? Please, sign the blue sheets

MONAMI6 goals Motivations for a node using multiple global addresses [Informational] An analysis document explaining what are the limitations for mobile hosts using multiple simultaneous Care-of Addresses and Home Agent addresses using Mobile IPv6, whether issues are specific to Mobile IPv6 or not [Informational]. A protocol extension to Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) and NEMO Basic Support (RFC 3963) to support the registration of multiple Care-of Addresses at a given Home Agent address [Standard Track]. A "Flow/binding policies exchange" solution for an exchange of policies from the mobile host/router to the Home Agent and from the Home Agent to the mobile host/router influencing the choice of the Care-of Address and Home Agent address [Standard Track].

Monami6 Working group status MONAMI6 WG IETF 68 Prague, March Nicolas Montavont - GET/ENST Bretagne Thierry Ernst - INRIA

WG items 4 items –draft-ietf-monami6-multihoming-motivation- scenario-01.txt –draft-ietf-monami6-mipv6-analysis-02.txt –draft-ietf-monami6-multiplecoa-02.txt –A flow binding policies exchange 3 individual proposals Several discussion on the method

WG tools Set up a wiki Set up of an issue tracker => Please feel free to use them Thanks to Henrik…

Analysis of Multihoming in MIPv6 draft-ietf-monami6-mipv6-analysis-02.txt MONAMI6 WG IETF 68 Prague, March Authors:Nicolas Montavont - GET/ENST Bretagne Ryuji Wakikawa - Keio University Thierry Ernst - INRIA Chan-Wah Ng - Panasonic Singapore Labs Koojana Kuladinithi - University of Bremen

Changes from v01 Reviews from Henrik, Andy and Erich Editorials –Abstract and introduction better introduce the context –Clearer references

Changes in definition of a multihomed mobile node New: […] A MN (as defined above) is said multihomed when it has either i) multiple addresses which are used as source addresses or ii) multiple tunnels to transmit packets, or both. A MN may have multiple HoAs/CoAs in the following cases: […] Old: […] A MN (as defined above) is said multihomed when it has i) multiple addresses which are used as source address (regardless of HoA/CoA) or ii) multiple tunnels to transmit packets. A MN may have multiple HoAs/CoAs in the following cases: […]

Definition Simultaneously using multiple addresses New: A MN is simultaneously using multiple addresses at the same time when an incoming packet with the destination address set to any of these addresses reaches the MN, or when any of these addresses can be used by the MN to set the source address of outcoming packets. Old This indicates a scenario where the MN has the ability to use any of the said multiple addresses at the same time. This implies that a packet with the destination field set to one of the said multiple addresses will reach the MN, either directly from a CN to the MN or through a tunnel with one of the MN's HAs. This also implies that any of the said multiple addresses can be used as source address above the MIPv6 layer.

Definition: Simultaneously using multiple interfaces New: A MN is simultaneously using multiple interfaces when it can exchange IP packets over any of these interfaces. Old : This indicates a scenario when there is at least one valid address named for each of the said multiple interfaces, and that the MN is able to simultaneously use these addresses.

Section 3 Requirements to Node capabilities Merge the 5 goals and benefits into 3 items –Reliability –Load sharing –Interface switching / flow distribution Conclude which capabilities allow to reach which goal (see the draft): 1.Reliability: 2, 4, 5, 6 2.Load Sharing: 1, 6 3.Interface switching/Flow Distribution: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Next steps Some points are still discussed –See the thread Review of draft-ietf- monami6-mipv6-analysis-01.txt –Please continue to review Next deadlines –Call for cross-reviews