Atlantis Event Display with AOD and EV ntuples Juergen Thomas* on behalf of the Atlantis team: *University of Birmingham (UK) University College London (UK) Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) Physics Analysis Tools Meeting, ATLAS Software & Computing Workshop, CERN, 23 Oct 2007
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Outline JiveXML changes Atlantis with AODs Event Properties dialog New colour scheme Associations of AOD objects Interface to EventView (TopView) ntuples: Root macro Trigger result in Atlantis Other improvements: User interface: Modifier keys, Anti-aliasing NOTE: Shown features are in Atlantis versions from AtlantisJava
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct JiveXML Changes JiveXML packages can now be configured to write out data from ‘FavouriteCollection’ and ‘OtherCollections’ in StoreGate only. (Hopefully) reasonable default selection chosen. HLT collections not retrieved by default. Switch: ‘DoWriteHLT’ (esp useful for Clusters and Tracks). Updated for TrigDecision (in progress) Check dedicated TWiki about running on AODs: Method still same as in Insert JiveXML-call into any AOD- reading jOs, e.g. UserAnalysis, or AnalysisCommon. TWiki also explains color coding of AOD Objects.
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Event Properties Dialog: List of all data available in xml file Select under ‘File’ menu Here: From AOD (note new SG keys) Event Properties
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct AOD Objects in Atlantis (1) AOD panels now renamed into ‘Objects’, now includes also Jet and ETMiss ‘Collection’: Select from drop down menu, e.g. Staco/MuID, or TauRec/Tau1p3p, Atlfast etc
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct New colour scheme: Extended to 32 colours Customisable by using the Colour map editor (under ‘Preferences’) ‘Pick’ on objects to find out what they are. We’re working on making object label clearer (currently: Colour-coding and ‘Pick’) Your input/feedback is welcome ! Colour scheme similar to ‘old’ one can be chosen: ‘Preferences- >Colour Map->Old’ Event shown is default from RecExCommon (semilep ttbar), AOD, with ROIs and Clusters
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Event shown is default from RecExCommon (semilep ttbar), AOD, with ROIs and Clusters Muon and MuonROI visible (red)
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Associations in AOD objects Associations use ‘ElementLink’ (StoreGate key/index) (recipes from Ketevi) Following associations are implemented, using AOD colour coding: Electron: Cluster & TrackParticle (one-to-one) Muon: Cluster & TrackParticle (one-to-one) Photon: Cluster (one-to-one) TauJet: Cluster & TrackParticle (one-to-many) To do: ParticleJet (awaiting merger with ESD Jet) GUI: Currently ‘Electron->Show Associations’, but will change to Track->Color by Object’ resp. ‘Cluster->Color by Object’ (one switch switches all) Updated and tested in Plan: Extend to composite particles
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Interface to EventView (TopView) ntuples (1) Normally, producing xml data for Atlantis always requires to run athena with JiveXML (e.g. with RecExCommon or UserAnalysis or EventView) New tool: Root macro reading ntuple directly: ntupleXML developed and tested with v TopView ntuples (TruthAll) Located in graphics/AtlantisJava/share (only in cvs for distribution and code management) Detailed instructions and documentation:
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Interface to EventView (TopView) ntuples (2) Output from ntupleXML.h in Atlantis Reco and Truth Example event: semileptonic ttbar: lep W->e,nu, had W->j j (Note: labels added from output of ‘Pick’ on objects, added into plot here by hand)
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct ‘Event Properties’ Dialog now also shows: If trigger levels are passed L1-EtMiss and L1-SumEt List of passed L1, L2 and EF items Select under ‘File’ menu Note: Numbers here from AODs (old menu) Trigger Result in Atlantis
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Modifier keys Originally to allow the user to know what key to press To improve use on laptop after feedback from the tutorial this was extended so now the user can select which modifier to use without having to use the modifier key
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Other Improvements (1) Anti-aliasing (‘smoother lines’): Tick-box: ‘Preferences->Use Anti-Aliasing’ Off by default to improve GUI response e.g. when zooming. But normally not much slower when on. Anti-aliasing is done after zooming to improve performance. Full unzoom Resets to original window zoom
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct Other Improvements(2) Tick box in the read event dialog to allow the user to set this as the default event files location
Update from Atlantis Event Display CERN, 23 Oct HyperNews forum under category: Offline Software Development and Help Gateway: Feedback on all old and new features is welcome For questions and feedback…