Survey Results & analysis for NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (November 17, 2013) 20 Responses
1. Did you receive the board packet (board briefs, operations report, etc.) with enough time to prepare for the board meeting? Comments: I was unable to download anything since my computer's motherboard died and I had to purchase another computer... not NCMA fault, but mine. The material was later than last time but still in time for Board members to be informed.
2. Was the relationship between the agenda topics (or committee reports) and the board’s strategy clear? Comments: Agenda was well executed. I appreciate the open communications on committee operations and status and further defining our strategy. The board strategy and agenda topics was a lot clearer than before due to the change in the Board format. Discussion was very helpful
3. Did the board discussions focus on strategy and policy issues versus operational issues? Comments: This was an excellent session. There are some board members who consistently delve into operational issues, but it's getting better over time. All Committeee Leads briefed progress with their committee - it really adds to overall knowledge of what is going on within NCMA Operational issues were dealt with first and gotten out of the way. There was a clearer focus on strategy than in the prior two meeting. Great to see focus on future strategy You need to get into operational issues as you discuss strategy and policy. Discussions were properly focused on all 3.
4. Did you receive sufficient information related to the health of the association’s programs and services? Comments: This board meeting was elaborative in information. All pertinent briefings were thorough and fully explained - also allowed time for questions/debate Yes, having the IRS reports and the Financial briefs from Wells Fargo, as well as Mike's review of NCMA's financial situation in terms of dues, etc. was extremely sufficient and helpful. Thank you, nice format. Operational discussion at the beginning and then the discussion of membership later on provided ample information about the health of NCMA.
5. Do you think the board is adequately monitoring the association’s financial health? Comments: The Finance Committee and Sam Smith appear to be deeply involved in constant monitoring. Additionally, outside third parties seem very involved as well. Really attacked from several directions Kim, Sam, and the rest of the committee are doing an outstanding job. Yes, the Executive Director is ahead of the issue as opposed to just being reactive.
6. Were discussions constructive and meaningful with facts and supporting information? Comments: I appreciated that every vote had strong supporting factual information on which to base decisions. I understand the sensitivity about dues, but wish I could have had more time to study the information in advance. Great discussions, great to know who is doing what and how, brought a lot of value. Absolutely. The Board is awash in information.
7. Was adequate time allowed for board members to ask questions and explore issues? Comments: Ample time for all issues to be vetted while controlling the time spent on each area Greatly improved over last time. President exercised more control over the agenda and kept members focused.
8. Did the board discuss and constructively challenge recommendations made by the President, Executive Director, or other board members? Comments: All had opportunity to vet issues Yes on all
9. Did the board effectively make decisions and take actions when needed? Comments: Issues brought up concerning the disconnect between our bylaws and the process being followed concerning elections was not addressed. yes, everybody seems to be very involved and engaged.
10. Did the board use the association's mission and vision to drive its decisions? Comments: I think we could do better at pausing to confirm that decisions are in line with mission and vision. Honestly more so than ever - decisions are tied to strategic plan - very refreshing to see Yes It was a good idea to distribute copies of the mission and vision at the beginning of the meeting so that board members could correlate the discussion to them.
11. Did the meeting foster trust and respect among board members? Comments: Generally, yes. At times, though, sidebar discussions were distracting and somewhat disrespectful. All are given opportunity to voice opinions and concerns - people are treated with respect I believe that respect and trust which is growing is improved by the interaction of the Board both formally and informally, i.e., Board dinners etc. I think there are some tension with some board members ( a few ) on issues
12. Did you feel engaged in the discussion? Comments: Engaged and participated when needed Felt comments were dismissed
13. Did the board use effective meeting practices (such as setting clear agendas, having good facilitation and managing time well)? Comments: We had a big agenda and time ran over, but for good purpose. Well done
14. Were accurate action items recorded and read at the end of the meeting for concurrence by the board members? Comments: Yes, Karen has done an outstanding job so far. Karen is doing a great job keeping the board organized.
15. Any other comments, observations or recommendations to improve the board’s performance? Excellent meeting. Solid leadership of the meeting. Hit the sweet spot of moving the meeting with adequate discussion. Great meeting with great substance I realize the board dinner is social and team building, but perhaps we could take on topics for discussion at the dinners and allow members to "sleep on" some key items for better discussion the next day. excellent meeting. I like the way we are tying together key governance processes. This helps make me more comfortable we are doing what needs to be done. Well planned and executed meeting - there were a lot of controversial issues and they were handled well Well done. Best I've attended. Continue with open dialogue on operations status, need to further define our strategy. Excellent alignment! As we move forward in our alignment efforts, we should should do so with elan and courtesy. One of our best meetings. The change in format for the Board meeting changed the tone of the meeting. It was great to see that the Board is focused on the value it is providing its base! Thank you for streamlining the survey, it is much less redundant. Committee reports are much better off the consent agenda, and it is more clear what activities are underway. A separate offsite for strategic planning would probably be helpful. This was the best board meeting in my last years years on the board. Recommend we go to a meeting schedule where we meet for 3 hours on Saturday, have dinner, and then reconvene on Sunday for the rest of the meeting. That will provide adequate time for discussion and we shouldn't be hurried.