The Role of the Institute for Academic Development Jon Turner
IAD Mission To provide University level support for teaching, learning and researcher development; through leadership, innovation, collaboration and direct provision that benefits students, staff and the University’s international reputation.
Our Remit Provide support for staff and students in teaching, learning and researcher development Support programme and curriculum development and enhancement
Our approach Support College/University strategic priorities Work closely and collaboratively with Schools & support services Provide clearer routes to support (for students and staff) Consider full continuum of requirements (UG, PGT, PGR, early career researchers, academic & teaching staff)
Provide clearer routes to support & information IAD website Doctoral Researchers Research Staff Learning & Events, resources and support for:
…for academic staff Research Leader Programmes IAD secondments, Beltane Fellowships Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme, Researcher-led fund Ingenious Women Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice Senior Tutors Network, PGT Directors Network, ODL Community Practice sharing: workshops, case studies Collaboration: projects, joint provision Supervisor Briefings IDEL bursary Practical Strategies Pathway to impact
Focus on innovation & enhancement Secondments to the IAD –Funded, part-time, usually up to 2 academic years –Specific focus with broader relevance and links –Dissemination and practice sharing via IAD –Topics: feedback (Science); English language support for on-line Masters (Medicine); Edinburgh Award (Careers Service); online leadership programme (Health); Mind-sets & achievement (Veterinary Medicine). Contribution to University projects –Distance Education Initiative, Enhancing Student Support, Student Experience Project Practice sharing (eg IAD case study repository) External Funding (e.g. Making the Most of Masters)
Online Pre-sessional Academic Language course (OPAL) an IAD secondment project DEI support services project bid from Sarah Henderson (Medicine) & Tony Lynch (English Language Teaching Centre), both IAD secondees Research, development & pilot (summer 2013) Introduction to online learning, online academic communication, academic language, critical reading & writing For English as second language students about to start an Online Distance Learning Masters programme Moved into main English Language Teaching Centre provision from 2014
IAD Case Study Repository development/learning-teaching/staff/advice/practice/case-studies-wiki