Date:3/16/12 These are things I think I do well. 1. I do well at math. 2. I do well at word work. 3. I do well at Gym. I am most proud of my grades that were on my report card.
I feel the best about myself in class when I get a good compliment. I have the most fun in this class when I play math games. I feel proud of myself in this class when I do good on my tests. The best thing I contribute to this class is working in a small group.
Always, Usually, Sometimes Seldom I use time wisely. Always I follow directions. Always I complete assignments on time. Always I get my planner signed every week. Usually My papers are neat. Usually I work quietly. Always My desk is organized. Usually I work well in groups. Usually I put a lot of effort into my work. Always I participate in class discussions. Always
Things that I have learned 1. Add fractions. 2. Put mixed numbers into fractions. 3. Add and subtract negative numbers. Things I have to work on 1.Subtracting fractions 2. Putting negative numbers on a timeline. 3.Money with a percentage by it.
I feel amazing when I work in math class because I am good at math. Outside of school, I use math when I when I am playing sports.
Things that I have learned 1. that read with fluency 2. You read with expressions 3. you have to make predictions Things that I have to work on 1. reading clearer 2. stopping at periods. 3.rereading the parts I don’t understand
The kind of books I like to read are realistic fiction, Mystery. I choose what I’m going to read by books that I heard that are good. I can become a better reader by reading a little longer at home.
I think my writing is improving because from looking at my story’s from the beginning of the year and now it has gotten better. I am really proud of my story’s because they are getting better.
I feel great when I work in writer’s workshop because my stories are getting better. I use writing in my everyday life when I do my homework.
My favorite thing about Social Studies this year was about Juan Ponce de Leon I learned the following information 1. he founded Florida. 2. he was a governor. 3.he was a solider.
My favorite thing about Science this year was doing the experiments. I learned the following information 1. baking soda + vinegar= explode 2. bags expand by baking soda, citric acid 3. salt will rise water with 5 scoops.