Possible Reasons for Christian Revival Perceived corruption of church Fear of impending Day of Judgment Clearer definition of Purgatory
Pilgrimage Destinations: Jerusalem Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r ) Santiago de Compostela (St James of Compostela) Rome
Peace of God, c to 12th c. Truce of God, mid 11th c. Church and surrounding lands as sanctuaries
Growth of number of hermits in 11th c. Increasing numbers of anchorites and anchoresses in 12th c.
Primary Sources: written by people living at time or soon after Secondary Sources: Works of interpretation or analysis written long after the fact Important to read critically, with eyes open for agendas, biases, etc. Applies to both primary and secondary sources, as well as newspapers, TV, web sites, etc
Reading (Primary) Sources Context Who wrote this? Where and when? Was the author an eyewitness? Why was it written? To whom is it addressed? Who are they?
Reading (Primary) Sources Classify Source What sort of work is it? What is its purpose (stated or not)? Is it following a traditional structure or mould?
Reading (Primary) Sources Understand Source What are the key words? Meaning? What is the author’s point? What evidence is provided? What assumptions are made? What values are expressed? What problems are addressed? Context? What reaction is expected/hoped for?
Reading (Primary) Sources Evaluate Source How typical is the source? How widely did it circulate? Does it share views/values/ideas/arguments with others from period? Can you find other evidence to corroborate your conclusions?