The Shirlie Project A clear view of Supported Employment in the Highlands Autism Network Scotland June 2013 June 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The Shirlie Project A clear view of Supported Employment in the Highlands Autism Network Scotland June 2013 June 2013

1994 started delivering SQA training – First client was Shirlie 1997 focus shifted to Supported Employment Employ 31 members of staff in 4 offices Deliver co-ordinated inclusive employment programmes across biggest region in UK Job Coaches working towards a Level 8 in qualification in Supported Employment Design and deliver contracts Offer SQA qualifications

The Shirlie Project – Current Contracts Contract Aimed at.... No. Job Coaching/ Try it Out People with disabilities and support issues who are furthest removed from the labour market 150 Employability Fund/ Workforce Highland Young people age 16 – 24 with varying employability skills 35 Bigger PictureYoung people with ASD in transition from secondary school 64 Work ProgrammeLong term unemployed people in Skye & Lochalsh and Lochaber 110 Activity AgreementsYoung people who have left school with no positive destination and are in need of extra support to prepare them for work

People we represent cover a broad range of issues such as: Autistic spectrum disorder Learning difficulties Acquired brain injury Mental ill health Physical and sensory impairments Young people with emotional and behavioural issues Young people facing social isolation on leaving school Long term unemployed

The Shirlie Project – A typical client journey Initial Interview and 1 st Action Plan Within 4 weeks CV completed I Plan Financial Health Check Work Placement Within 6 weeks Leading to Employment Modern Apprenticeship Training Programmes Further Education Within 10 weeks

The Shirlie Project Personal Development Activities Benefits advice and guidance Core Skills Employability skills Volunteering and work placement Short Courses Health and Wellbeing Further education Additional training Financial advice Optional SQA Qualifications Enterprise and Entrepreneurship I Plan

The Shirlie Project I Plan

Profiling The Shirlie Project

Care Services Equal rights Employment rights Equal Opportunities Politics What we don’t do

The Shirlie Project Talented people looking to change their circumstances Employers looking to run a successful business Funding partners looking to deliver successful programmes Who we represent

The Shirlie Project

An individual person centred plan for a young person with ASD who is due to leave school. A plan which realises ambition and puts in place the actions needed and the support network to make this ambition a reality. The creation of an extended support network around this young person. Bigger Picture

The Shirlie Project Bigger Picture in the Highlands 3 years funding from the Scottish Government Autism Development Fund to roll out the Bigger Picture programme to 32 Highland Schools By the end of the 3 years we estimate we will work with over 190 young people with ASD. We have just completed year 1

The Shirlie Project Bigger Picture – Year 1 We worked with the following schools in year 1 SchoolNumber of pupils Mallaig High School1 Lochaber High School1 Invergordon Academy4 Fortrose Academy2 Dingwall Academy4 Charlestown Academy2 Culloden Academy3 Inverness High School1 Inverness Royal Academy4 Total22

Bigger Picture – Year 1 Feedback from young people

Bigger Picture – Year 1 Feedback from young people “I felt that the Bigger Picture has made me feel more significant, that I was in control and it did really focus about me, rather than just my progress and opportunities for education/employment. I have felt that I am really getting somewhere on my plan for the future and highly recommend it for everyone who is serious on what to do or is having difficulties on what they would like to do”. Feedback from a Fortrose Academy pupil

Bigger Picture – Year 1 Feedback from parents

Bigger Picture – Year 1 Feedback from parents ‘ Arrived today with Ryan and his sister, not expecting much and thinking at least we’d better show up as these people have made the effort. Ryan was obstinate about coming here and said he would only stay an hour and that I had to talk for him. I have been amazed at how well he responded today, and it has actually given me hope for the first time that he might have an independent future, without me having to do everything involving him’. Feedback from a parent

The Shirlie Project Aimed at building a culture of recognising and supporting ambition Will provide a transitions service for 192 young people who have ASD over the next 3 years Covers 32 secondary schools including 3 special schools.

Bigger Picture in practice The Shirlie Project
