An extract from a presentation By 3Di Associates Understanding the Language of Multiple Intelligences
What is the language of intelligence? Intellect – knowing, thinking, interpretation Instinct –inherent, predisposition, impulsive Personal – self-knowledge, passion, imagination Social – empathy, compassion, consideration Physical – senses, agility, maintenance Spiritual – intuitive, feeling, wonder We use these words but do not necessarily connect them with a specific intelligence. We need to be clearer on what we mean by these terms in order to support children as they develop their own intelligences.
IQ versus EQ: Not an either/or When many people use the word ‘intelligence’ what they really mean is ‘intellect’. What is intellect? Some people suggest that we can have a knowledge based curriculum without the necessity to nurture emotional intelligence simultaneously? What is emotional intelligence? Can your school function without the interplay between these intelligences?
Language of intelligence Thinking Feeling Imagining Doing Learning skills Teaching styles Empowerment Human potential Self-actualisation