Faculty Recruitment: Diversifying the Faculty John Pelissero, Provost October 13, 2014
Goals: Why Diversify the Faculty? Diversity is integral to the success of our mission Helps to recruit a more diverse student body Helps to recruit and retain women and faculty of color Expands the curriculum, adding new perspectives to the learning environment It is vital to what we do, and is a promise we make to those we serve: our students Persistence of faculty at the university is often an issue of institutional fit—what a university is and aspires to be
Loyola Full-Time Faculty in 2014: Gender Lakeside and Health Sciences Divisions
Race/Ethnicity of Loyola Faculty in 2014
Best Practices in National Recruitment for Diverse Faculty Establish a pool of qualified minority faculty applicants Attend disciplinary conferences Attend conferences for minority doctoral students Contact department chairs at (e.g.HBCUs) to identity potential applicants (Source: Rose, 2010)
What helps to attract diverse candidates? Mission and Diversity Statement: Loyola University Chicago is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer with a strong commitment to hiring for our mission and diversifying our faculty. As a Jesuit Catholic institution of higher education, we seek candidates who will contribute to our mission and strategic plan to deliver a Transformative Education in the Jesuit tradition. Candidates are encouraged to consult our website to gain a clearer understanding of Loyola's mission at and our focus on transformative education at Applications from women and minority candidates are especially encouraged.
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Position Descriptions Include a statement on diversity opportunities Structure positions to increase likelihood of attracting diverse candidates Language in job ads: Research on issues relevant to ethnic minorities Teach courses on diversity themes Specialty open, but emphasis on interdisciplinary, multicultural topics…..
What helps to attract diverse candidates? Some Colleges Use Phrases Such As: “We are seeking candidates who have a strong commitment to teaching undergraduate and graduate students from diverse cultural backgrounds” “We are strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity” (Source: Rose, 2010)
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Advertising Craft ads to emphasize expertise that will enhance the attractiveness of the position Place ads in diverse affinity group publications of your professional organizations Place ads in publications targeted to the minority academic community: (Office of Faculty Administration will do this) Diverse Issues in Higher Education Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine Chronicle of Higher Education
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Search Committee Activities Start with a diverse committee; invite members from other academic units, if necessary Develop search screening protocol to assure fairness, consistency and uniformity Avoid ranking candidates at each stage Consider Departmental/Institutional needs broadly
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Recruit, don’t simply “search” o Contact colleagues to request nominations of candidates o Contact diverse faculty who have excellent reputations o Recruit at fairs and conferences where minority faculty candidates might be in attendance o Mailings to academic discipline minority caucus and to other special interest groups o Send personal letters inviting candidates to apply and/or to refer others o Personal approach to potential applicants at academic conferences or professional meetings to encourage applications o Recruiting trips to universities that have high minority PhD graduates (Source: Rose, 2010)
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty During Interview Process : Discuss research opportunities with specific groups or in specific situations Emphasize the presence of other faculty of color Inform about faculty development opportunities and mentoring Ask candidates how they would contribute to diverse perspectives on campus, in curriculum Share campus and community demographics Source: From VCU “Strategies for Successfully Recruiting Diverse Faculty”
Share Campus Demographics: Loyola Students in 2014 Gender: Women 64.2% Men 35.7% Race/Ethnicity: White 62.8% African Am. 5.9% Asian/P.I. 9.4% Hispanic 11.6% Native Am. 0.1% Multi-Racial 4.7% International Students: 5.3% First Generation College: 21%
Diverse Topics and Perspectives in the Loyola Classroom *Freshmen and Seniors better than our Carnegie Class peer group
Diversity Culture on Campus Freshmen better than our Urban, Jesuit and Carnegie Class peer groups. Seniors better than our Carnegie Class peer group
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Interview Process (continued) Go beyond the normal teaching/research presentations and meetings with departmental faculty and the dean, include: Meeting other diverse faculty and administrators Meeting with diverse students Meeting with HR Manager or Chief Diversity Officer Identify Interdisciplinary Faculty who have similar scholarly interests so candidate may follow-up Go beyond the normal “campus tour”: provide an itinerary that allows candidate to get a feel for our diverse campus and Community (Faculty/Students)
Actions that Facilitate Recruiting a Diverse Faculty Committee recommendations : Evaluate candidates based on published criteria Evaluate candidates objectively—summarize strengths and weaknesses of each Include information on how each candidate would add to the diversity of the faculty Use the Loyola evaluation system that embraces the elements of a successful search: mission, diversity, scholarship, teaching, outreach, etc. Do not rank the finalists
Diversity Resources for Search Committees Diverse Issues in Higher Education ( Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine ( Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner, Diversifying the Faculty: A Guidebook for Search Committees (AAC&U, 2002). Association of American Colleges and Universities, resources on Diversity and Women in Higher Education ( American Council on Education, Looking Beyond the Numbers, 2009.
References Moody, JoAnn, Rising Above Cognitive Errors: Guidelines for Search, Tenure Review, and Other Evaluation Committees (Diversity on Campus, 2007). Rose, John T. “Recruiting a More Diverse Faculty: Role of Search Committee,” CUNY, April 14, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU),“Strategies for Successfully Recruiting Diverse Faculty,” undated.